Are you proud?- Chapter 5

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"-so I have full marks on my exams Phil!" Wilbur said excitedly while talking to his dad.

All 4 royals were sat across from one another in the dinning room table as Wilbur rambled on and on about his grades.

"That's amazing Wil, I'm so proud of you!" Phil said proudly with a warm smile.

Such a little amount words, but yet Tommy wanted them to be directed towards him. He normally wasn't that bothered with getting anyone's attention, unless he was messing with them, but he thought maybe he could also make them proud, especially Phil.

Tommy wanted their attention, but he was overall, slightly above average. He wasn't musically talented like Wilbur, or athletically inclined like Techno, and he was no natural leader like Phil, and he wasn't as smart as them since he was younger.

Tommy had decided in that moment that he would try a bit harder at everything his family liked to try and impress his family.


Tommy's first attempt was spent over the course of the first few days. Tommy had already known how to play the basics of the piano, but never seemed to be actually interested enough to actually finish a song.

Tommy spent the first day grabbing the guitar chords from Wilbur's song Saline solution and mapped them into piano chords so that he could play Wilbur's song and hopefully impress hm, not that Tommy wanted to impress him or anything he just wanted to prove he was the bigger man, according to Tommy.

Tommy fell asleep at his table with a bunch of papers on his desk all with chords, as he tried to identify which chord was which. Tommy had completely forgotten to do his work from the tutor though which resulted in him getting in trouble with Phil, but he considered it worth it for Wilbur.

After a few days of learning it on piano, he could basically do it perfectly, sure he slipped up here and there but overall he did very well for the first song he's ever completed. The only thing left to do was show Wilbur the song.

Tommy ran through the halls getting a few complaints from people on the way, one being Techno himself, but Tommy was way too excited to care.

Tommy ran up to the library and made his way to Wilbur who was studying at the time.

Tommy immediately started excitedly tugging on Wilbur's shirt and telling wilbur to come with him.

The surprise attack from Tommy only made Wilbur annoyed at his younger brother. Wilbur looked to his younger brother and sighed when he saw his eyes full of excitement.

"I'll see it later Tommy, I'm busy right now." Wilbur said dismissively as he went back to his work not noticing the glimmer in Tommy's eye fading.

"You are a b*tch Wilbur." Tommy complained.

"Love you too Tommy." Wilbur said sarcastically in response.

Tommy just huffed and made his way out the room.

Tommy waited for the whole day, so as soon as Wilbur was free he asked him to come see what he had done. Apparently he had phrased it weirdly making Wilbur suspicious of him. Wilbur thought he might get pranked or messed with so he proceeded to completely ignore Tommy telling him he wouldn't go.

"Why not!?" Tommy whined.

"Because you might get me in trouble or something!" Wilbur yelled back.

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