The Forest

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I had to write this for my theater class and thought it was good. The prompt was to write about 2 people in a forest and make it interesting. (By the way I like posting random pictures)

{2 young adults are walking in a forest one wearily who looks to be in there early twenties while the other looks to be in the late teens who leading confidently around.}

Avery: Are we done yet? this place is really creepy

James: ugh fine I guess its has been 20 minuets

{James starts to look around to see a way to get back}

James: umm hate to tell you this dude but-

Avery: but what?

{Avery looks James in the face and his eyes widens }

Avery: no NO you- I can't believe it you got us lost...lost in a forest all alone with out food, water, and a phone.

James: wow when you say it like that it sounds bad.

Avery: THAT'S BECAUSE IT IS!  I knew it i knew i shouldn't have took that dare but nooo my masculinity had to kick in over my self preservation.

{James shrugs}

James: who knew you had a gag reflex until all of that good soda went flying

Avery: I can't look a soda the same anymore

James ha-

{James  trips on a branch falling over. He gets up and brushes him self off but not before seeing a building in the distance}

James: hey look over there I think I see something over there. Hey lets go!

{Before Avery can even answer James grabs his wrist and runs toward the building}

Avery: you- gah gotta stop doing that I bet that is how we got lost in the first place

{James is lost in his own world looking at the building}

James: huh? you say somethin' ?

Avery: I- never mind lets just go in maybe it will be warmer?

James: ooh yeah lets go in

{They both enter this old abandon house. It has dust everywhere and it looks like who ever lived here years ago left in a rush. While looking around Avery found a locket that look new a so out of place in this house that he picked it up.}

Avery: woah hey Jay come look at this.

James: hm? whats up- Oh shiny!

{Right after James says that a red drop falls from the ceiling. Curious they both look up to see newly dead man chain up on the ceiling. Out of fear Avery drops the locket and runs out of the house. It takes a second before James brain catches up but when it does he starts to dash out of there too. No words were exchanged but they ran until they both thought they were far enough away from the house that they weren't going to get hurt.}

Avery: th-that did not just happen d-did it

James: I- I think it did tho

{The both of them are now leaning up against a tree trying to catch there breath}

Avery: we- we can't stay here. we don't know who did that and where they are o-or if they are close.

James: ri-right we need to get home and quick. Its its all my fault you wouldn't be out here if it weren't for me.

Avery: while you might be right we can't play the blame game right now we need to find a way out

James: right right I gotta get my head in the game.

Avery: exactly...hey I got a potentially stupid idea but what if we follow where the brightest light we see in the forest I mean its getting dark now

James: long as we avoid that creepy house

Avery: of course

{ After that they get up and start walking to the brightest part area they can see. Apperntly the world decided to be kind to them because they finally made it back in town. They imditly went to the police to report the body and was sent home. When they both got home phones being on the charger at home the whole time. They called each other}

Avery: you got back home safe right?

James: yeah I did

Avery: good good, hey James

James: yeah Avery?

Avery: lets never do something like that again okay?

James: yeah okay, night Av

Avery: night Jay

And scene I hope you liked it and tell me what you think about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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