Chapter 1: Atsumu and Kita are dating!!!

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*3 months ago*

Atsumu was on the ground shocked "don't touch me you germ" ??? Said in disgust Atsumu had enough, this was the last straw he didn't mind the name calling his team does that to him and he does know that they're joking because they would always say sorry if he told them he didn't like it or wasn't in the mood for it but with ??? It was different. He knew how he was but that didn't mean ??? Could treat him like a sex toy and whore because the only time ??? touched him is when ??? was feeling horny no matter if Atsumu wasn't up to it.  "??? What did I do to ya!! I only want ya to love me!! Is that too hard to ask for!!!" For the first time Atsumu yelled at ??? He looked shocked but that quickly turned into anger "who said you can back talk me" ??? Was about to hit him Atsumu closed his eyes waiting for the impact but nothing Atsumu was to scared to look until he heard a familiar voice " Don't ya fucking touch him or I will break yer arm ???" Atsumu snapped his eyes open to make sure that he was right and there standing like his knight in shining armour was his saviour "???!!!"...........


Atsumu's POV

Atsumu sat on his current lover's couch staring at this drama that made him remember his horrible past relationship. "Babe" Atsumu was to much in his head to respond "baby" still Atsumu was in thought "Atsumu Miya" Atsumu snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his full name to see his boyfriend hovering over his face "Are you ok?" Shinsuke asked with clear worry on his face. Atsumu smiled, he loves his boyfriend so much that words just couldn't describe it. "I'm fine" Atsumu said, placing his hand behind Shinsuke's neck and gently pulling him into a kiss when they pulled away Shinsuke smiled "and yer  sure yer ok?" Shinsuke said still worried. Atsumu nodded "I'm fine.....and I love ya Shin" Atsumu said giving Shinsuke another kiss. "I love ya too Atsu" Shinsuke said, placing a kiss on Atsumu's forehead he got up from where he was kneeling "I'm going back to cooking, if ya need me just shout and I'll come" Shinsuke called over his shoulder as he walked into the kitchen.

Atsumu couldn't help smiling to himself thinking about how it was impossible not to fall in love with Shinsuke Kita because of him he got out of a toxic relationship he was in for a year and half.

*3 months ago*

Inarizaki had a practice match between Itachiyama. Atsumu was excited because he got to see his boyfriend Kiyoomi Sakusa as he liked to call him Omi Omi. As usual Omi Omi had ignored him, he had said that they should focus on the match not their relationship. His twin Brother Osamu had never liked Omi Omi and he didn't bother hiding it either. "Tch" Atsumu heard his brother click his tongue in anger. Atsumu turned around to see his brother glaring at Omi Omi Atsumu knew that 'Samu will say something to Omi Omi so Atsumu placed his hands on his brother's shoulders and gently started to push him where the team was "you're right Omi Omi, sorry"  Atsumu said with fake laugh. "'Tsumu, why did you let him  treat you like that, you guys hadn't seen each other in months!!! He should be happier to see you!" 'Samu said practically yelling lucky for Atsumu he was sure that Omi Omi and his team couldn't hear him. "Babe what's wrong" 'Samu's boyfriend and Atsumu's best friend Suna Rintaro walked up to them with a questioning look "That fuglykusa,'' Atsumu quickly cut into what 'Samu was saying "Don't call him that!" Atsumu said getting mad but before he could say anything more he could  hear a little chuckle. When he looked over his shoulder to see who had chuckled he was shocked to see that it was Kita, their captain. Kita had tried to cover it up with him coughing. "Osamu Miya be nice" Kita said trying to look as if he was disappointed in 'Samu but Atsumu could see the ends of his mouth turn up in a slight smile Atsumu had thought that Kita looked kind of cute as he tried to hide his smile he shook his head getting those thoughts out of his head, he loved Omi Omi right? Atsumu told himself, trying to distract himself, he turned to see if Suna and 'Samu had noticed, it seemed Suna had because he looked as shocked as Atsumu felt  but 'Samu hadn't he still looked like he was about to explode. "Anyways!" 'Samu said Atsumu could tell he was annoyed that he had interrupted him. "That piece of shit told Atsumu to focus on the game, not their relationship! Like what the actual fuck!  All he said was hi! How is that a distraction, I should go over there and beat some sense into him" 'Samu said angrily, bawling his fists. Atsumu just watched as his best friend moved so he was directly in front of 'Samu. With a sigh the smaller boy placed both his hands on either side of 'Samu's cheeks guiding the taller boy's head to his forehead. "'Samu ya need to calm down, I am as angry as yer at that thing that claims to be human and would like join ya in beating or murdering him but sadly there are too many people here and ya can get into a lot of trouble if someone witnesses ya beating him up and apparently it's illegal to kill someone, so I need ya to calm down" Suna said in a calming tone with a little smile.

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