Chapter 3: Epilogue

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*10 years later*

(A/N: Kita-28 and Atsumu-27)

Astumu was standing nervously, hands sweating and consistently fixing his tie. Someone had swatted at his hands. Atsumu turned and glared at the offender. There stood his twin looking at him with an annoyed look. "Shut yer mouth" Atsumu said, not as angry or as annoyed as he wanted it to be instead it showed his nervousness. His twin sighed. "Yer fine, in fact ya...... look good" Atsumu could see the struggle that 'Samu had to say that to him. "Why did that take ya a while to say!!?" Astumu said, freaking out. Suna punched 'Samu on the shoulder. "Babe, now isn't the time for ya to hide yer love for yer brother" Suna said in a scolding tone. "Sorry," 'Samu said, rubbing his arm. "Is my wedding going to be like this?" Tobio said worriedly. "No, not all are like this," Kawa said with a comforting hand on Tobio's shoulder. Atsumu rolled his eyes. His nerves were on fire. He was so nervous waiting at the altar for Shinsuke to walk down. Atsumu knew that Shinsuke would never leave him at the altar but a small part of his brain is telling him it wouldn't be surprising if he did. "Well, ya have  been in love with yer husband since childhood and then started dating him in yer first year!" Atsumu said, letting his worries seep through his words. Yes Kawa had sort of the same situation as Atsumu but he started dating when he was fifteen and when Kawa and Iwaizumi were in their first year Iwaizumi had enough of boys using Kawa so he confessed his feelings for him. "And ya," Atsumu said, facing his twin. "Ya have been dating Suna since our first year and have been married to him for a year!!!" Atsumu knew he shouldn't be taking his anger out on them but he couldn't stop himself. He turned to look at Tobio. Tobio put his hand up to stop him from talking. "Ok what's the reason for a history lesson, I know that I started dating Kuroo in my first year and I know for a fact that few months ago he proposed to me, but what I don't understand is why you are telling this to us?" Tobio said, with concern. Of course out of all them it was Tobio who would catch on. "Out of all five of us I'm the most unlovable one, I wouldn't be very surprised if Shin decided to run away" Atsumu said, looking away. "What the fuck, of course ya loveable 'Tsumu, I love ya and the friends ya choice to stand by side yer for this special day love ya and the people who have came here today to celebrate with ya, love ya too and I know for a fact that Kita loves ya more than anything" 'Samu said with a comforting hand on his shoulder and love for his brother clear in his eyes. "Kawa looks like we have to do it," Tobio said, smirking at Kawa. "It does Tobio, it does seem so" Kawa was smiling at Atsumu but that smile didn't sit well with Atsumu. "Who are you?" Both Kawa and Tobio said with matching smiles. Atsumu just blinked at them; they hadn't done that in years. "Atsumu Miya," Atsumu said with a small smile. "Who are you?" they said, this time crossing their arms. "Atsumu Miya!" Atsumu really hoped that was loud enough he didn't want others to look at him. But of course he was wrong "who are you!?" This time they raised their voice a bit too. Atsumu sighed knowing that he wouldn't win this one. "ATSUMU MIYA!" this had pulled everyone's attention on them. They gave a quick nod as an apology. "And Atsumu Miya is lovable, a great friend, a great brother  and soon to be a great husband," Kawa said, playfully punching his shoulder. Atsumu smiled at his best friends. "I still find that so weird," 'Samu said to them in disbelief. "I totally agree," Suna said, looking weirded out. Atsumu rolled his eyes at them.

The music had started and Shinsuke started to walk down the aisle with Aran attached to his arm, then Omimi who was walking with Daichi and Ushijima who was walking down with his husband Tendo. Atsumu had to keep his jaw clenched so it wouldn't hang open and make him look like an idiot. Shinsuke looked very handsome in his white suit, hair slicked back and a gorgeous smile gracing his lips. Atsumu's worries were swept away the moment Aran had gently taken Shinsuke's arm off of his arm and extended Shinsuke's arm to Atsumu. Atsumu accepted Shinsuke's hand and still holding Shinsuke's hand he went to face Atsumu, grabbing Atsumu's other hand, Aran had gone to his place standing next to Omimi, while Daichi went next to Ushijima and Tendo had gone to sit next to Kuroo and Iwaizumi. The celebrant started the ceremony. "The couple has come up with their own vows, that they may speak it now" the celebrant looked at Atsumu. Atsumu had taken a deep breath. "Kita Shinsuke, I don't know what I would've done without ya, ya complete, ya my other half, sorry 'Samu" that caused a couple of chuckles and 'Samu rolling his eyes at Atsumu. "Ya are my soulmate and I believe that with all my heart, I fell in love with ya the moment I laid my eyes on ya and I kept falling with every smile, every pout, every time ya breathe, everything ya do makes me fall for ya again and again. I could never get enough of ya, I love ya with all my heart Shinsuke" Atsumu said, with all the love he could express. Shinsuke smiled at Atsumu. "Atsumu Miya, yer loud, wild and sometimes a little reckless people had thought it was insane that I had fallen in love with someone who was completely the opposite of me but yer the one who gave me the confidence, ya were always beside me supporting me, ya were the one to put a smile on my face and ya the reason why I wake up everyday happy, I love ya Atsumu" Shinsuke shed a tear. Atsumu had taken his hand out from Shinsuke's and wiped away his tear. He could hear the crowd saying awww the celebrant smiled at them. "Do you take Shinsuke as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" Without any hesitation Atsumu said. "I do" the celebrant then looked at Shinsuke. "Do you take Atsumu as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" Just as how Atsumu said it without any hesitation, so did Shinsuke. "I do." "Now the rings" the celebrant said, to 'Samu and Aran. 'Samu passed the ring to Atsumu who gently held Shinsuke's left wrist as Shinsuke spread out his finger so it was easier for Atsumu to place the ring. With Atsumu's free hand he placed the ring onto Shinsuke's finger. Aran then passed his ring to Shinsuke who repeated the same process as Atsumu. "You may kiss the groom," the celebrant said. Atsumu gently placed his hand on Shinsuke's cheek and passionately kissed him, when they pulled apart there were cheers and clapping. 

At the reception everyone had sat at their tables chatting. The grooms' table was long with Shinsuke and Atsumu in the middle, next to Atsumu was, 'Samu then Suna, then Kawa, then Iwaizumi, then Tobio and finally Kuroo. Next to Shinsuke was Aran, then Omimi, then Daichi, then Suga, then Ushijima and finally Tendo. The rest of the tables were small round tables, all tables covered with white cloth and a vase with pale pink roses and baby's breath at the center of the table, also the chairs had white covers with a light pink ribbon tied on the back of the chairs. After about twenty minutes 'Samu got up bringing his champagne glass and his salad fork. To the mic that was on a stand that was at the center of the grooms table and the guests tables. 'Samu then proceeded to gently tap the side of the fork to the champagne glass. Grabbing everyone's attention. "On the behalf of my brother and his now husband, I would like to thank y'all for coming" 'Samu said with a smile. "Now, I would like to say. I will only be saying this once as in like I'm never going to say this again in my lifetime so ya better listen, 'Tsumu," 'Samu said, turning his head a little so he was now giving Atsumu eye contact. Atsumu rolled his eyes at his brother. "I'm so proud of ya 'Tsumu you found yerslef a really good guy and I can see how much he makes ya happy, I know when I found out I wasn't too happy, well I found out in a really shocking way" 'Samu said, chuckling. "How did ya find out?" Aran yelled from the table. "Yeah" was heard across the room in agreement with Aran. "Sorry, Kita but I have to say it," 'Samu said with a mischievous smile at Shinsuke. Shinsuke hide his face in nook of Atsumu's neck. Atsumu kissed Shinsuke's head. "Well, my brilliant husband," 'Samu said, pointing back to Suna, who waved. "Had a feeling that something was going on between the two of them so he swapped my contact name with 'Tsumu's contact name on Kita's phone. Few seconds later I get a text saying 'hey babe are ya ok' something along those lines and I send back babe with question mark ya know like what the hell do ya mean babe and this is the beast part Kita replies with 'what ya want me to call ya daddy, I thought that was only for the bedroom' I choked on the air after reading that, I was so traumatised, our ever so reserved captain was speaking like that and to 'Tsumu of all people!" 'Samu said, looking horrified. Everyone started laughing or were opening and closing their mouths like gold fishes, also shocked that Shinsuke could say stuff like that. "But on serious note, I thought that Kita was taking advantage of my brother since he just got out of a bad break up but little did I know that he was actually the best thing that could happen to my brother, so thank you Kita and please look after my idiot brother" 'Samu said raising his glass towards Shinsuke. "Of course," Shinsuke answered with a smile. Atsumu got up and hugged his brother. 'Samu hugged him back.  Aran then took the stage. "Man, when I found out Kita and 'Tsumu were dating, I thought it might be bad. I thought 'Tsumu would corrupt our poor innocent captain-" "Hey!"  Atsumu said in protest. Aran rolled his eyes at Atsumu.  "But boy was I wrong Kita had brought out the better part of 'Tsumu and 'Tsumu had brought Kita out of his shell, it really made me think, they were actually soulmates, congratulations to my best friends" Aran said raising his glass up. 

After a few more speeches, Shinsuke and Atsumu had their first dance together as a married couple, Shinsuke had excused himself to go to the bathroom, Atsumu looked at the dance floor to see his brother have his arms wrapped around Suna's waist and Suna's arms wrapped around his brother's neck they both swaying to the music. He then saw Kawa and Iwaizumi, Iwaizumi had just spun Kawa and caught him. He then spotted Tobio being dipped by Kuroo, Kuroo then brought up the younger one and both of them started to giggle. Atsumu then saw Sakusa who was laughing and holding his boyfriend as they swayed to the music. Atsumu was happy for Sakusa, Sakusa had started dating his old captain and he had done exactly as he had promised Atsumu the day they made up, they had become good friends and Sakusa really had tried, they're even on the same team now. 'Samu wasn't so happy about that but Atsumu reminded him that they were just friends and that he had Shinsuke with him so he wasn't afraid of anything anymore. After a few more minutes they ate the food that was made for them and then Shinsuke and Atsumu cut the cake together. Atsumu fed the cake piece to Shinsuke first, when Shinsuke was feeding it back to Atsumu he made sure the cake's icing went on Atsumu's nose. Atsumu didn't mind much as it made Shinsuke giggle. As they went into their limousine their friends threw rice at them.  When they were in the car Atsumu had intertwined their left hands together. Atsumu looked at the gold band on Shinsuke's finger, he brought Shinsuke hand up placing a gentle kiss on the ring. Shinsuke smiled at Atsumu, then did the same to Atsumu's ring. Shinsuke then sighed in content, leaning his head on top of Atsumu's shoulder. Atsumu looked down at his now Husband and smiled. He really was the luckiest man alive and he knew he would be the happiest man alive for the rest of their lives.

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