Chapter 39

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Sanskar pov.

After sometime I take her on  the tour of house and then we both went for outing .

We went in a beautiful park and after that we both did shopping , because she didn't bring some necessary things.
We both came back to our home and then , and after that we take rest for sometime

I  looked at her and saw that  she is thinking something very deeply .
but I know that I need to pressurized her otherwise she is not going to tell me whole truth.

We both drink tea in garden and when i started to go inside the house.
I feel that she is holding my shirt at bottom.
I looked at her and saw that she is looking at me innocently she said " "please stay with me".

" Today i want to tell u everything , and most importantly the things which i don't tell anyone till now.
I only expect you to understand , why i did these things
I really ..."
she didn't complete her sentence and she started hiccuping and crying.

I hold her in my arm and cup her face , she is crying bitterly it looks like she is holding a lots of things in her heart.

I pick her in my arm and take her on terrace.
Then i sit on chair comfortably and make her sit on my chair.

She is looking down i saw that her lips are wobbling continuously , i peck at her lips and she looked at me ,
I nodded my head
Then she started saying

" You know what my father ( Shomi's
First husband)
name is Rajesh Goswami .
He loves me a lot, unlike my biological father, everything is going fine one day i heard that mom and dad is fighting , i heard that mom was saying to let her go because now she doesn't want to be with him.
When my mother left from there ,I saw my Father broken completely.
He is crying by holding our family pics.

Fight between  mom and dad are started to increase day be day.

One day ehen i came from school ,i saw that my father is hanging on fan.

Everyone thinks that he commits sucide , but only my heart knows that my father didn't commits sucide.

I saw some marks on his body .
I tried to tell these things to my mother but she didn't listen to me.

I know that he is murdered brutally,
I am searching for his murder.

In all this things i saw my mom again in relationship with Mr. Gadodia.
I thought she also have right to move on.
But i didn't know that when my father was alive at that time also she was cheating on my father with shekhar Gadodia.

One day I got another shock that i am not real daughter of Rajesh Goswami.
He accept me because he loves my mother alot.
He never let me feel absence of my father.

When he was alive one day he brings. A brother to me my  Sikhu .
He found him on road, so he take him to me.

On that day my sikhu, my elder brother also left me.

I don't know where to find him
I  have only one thing which have his memory and that is  his one shirt.

I don't know on that they he didn't come back from school.
Someone kidnapped him and no one tried to find my brother.

I am searching for him and as well as muderrer of my father.

I have a fear of losing people that why i became aggressive whenever someone tried to harm the person i loved.

I can't lose anyone now , i will destroy whole world if something happens to you.

I only have few people in my life, i love you very much.

Saying this she kissed me on my lips.

I can't control my emotions and started to kiss her ,
It not just a kiss, its a promise to her
That i will always support her no matter what .

She will be safe in my arm.

I will always protect you and will love you throughout my life.

I hold her face and make her look at me ,
She smiled at me through her tears abd again peck my lips.


I saw that she smiled and hug me tightly.

After that i told her to change then we will go out for dinner.

When we both came downstairs ,
I got a call  after finishing my call i came to swara and said
"Kaan tomorrow i have a meeting after that we will go for outing.
So you are going with me , so that you  can also take a look of our company.

Don't deny i know you have skill of business woman.
I will really appreciate of this mind will work in karma industry.

She said "ok sankoo i will think about it later"

After dinner we slept peacefully in eachother arms.

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Destiny Have Its Own Way🥰🥰🥰🥰Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora