Chapter 25

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"But if you guy wants to sent me jail then first let me muder this two villans of my life."
Saying this i launch myself on laksh and all become alert.

But someone hold me  by grabbing my arms. I turned towards person and saw that he is non other than my jaan.

"Why you stopped me sankoo ?
they should know what damage they have done my harming you."  said Swara.

Sanskar pov.

Relax jaan i will handle this matter i told her by looking her face which is drench due to her continuously crying .

She nodded her head and hug me and buried her  face in my neck.
I hold her possessively in  my arms.

"Inspector now everything is clear you can take Ragini to the jail ."

And inspector take ragini to the jail.

After that i feel that swara is lost her concious and i hold her in my arms and take her to the hospital.

Mom was insisting me to come with her 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺but i stopped her and said "i will take care of swara."

I looked towards Dr. Ashok and said
"What happened to her doctor tell me ?"

Dr. Ashok said  "actually she faint due to taking a lot of stress ."
Then i said "Dr i need to talk to you personally and its urgent."

Then Dr. Ashok said "ok come to my cabin there we will talk ."

When i came to his cabin i asked him again 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡" Now i want only truth what happened to swara.
Because by looking her today's action . I have doubt that she is suffering from some type of problem.

And before you will lie i want to tell you that i know that she is not mad and she is doing acting.

I want to listen all truth from start now split."

Dr Ashok looked stressed due to my strictness.😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
Then he said " Actually  i know swara from college time . I am her senior in college.
On the day of accident i met her in hospital when you went to call your mom , then she told me to say all these things because she wanted to see the people who is really care for her and who is just acting.

Even i told her to tell you all these things but she didn't want to hurt you in her revenge that's why she said she will hide this matter from all of her family members."

I was shocked by listening that she hide all these things because she doesn't want me to hurt and somewhere i know she also don't trust me fully at that time.

"Ok i understand what are you saying but today the way she react it was unbelievable , she looked different it doesn't look like she is acting at that time ." I asked

Ashok said " Actually i think she have fear of losing her loved ones.
Because in previous days we become good friends and i can tell clearly that she doesn't want to lose you.
That's why she is doing this acting infront of you also because she want to know you before she will get attached to you.

I think she lost her control today because she saw you in injured condition.
I have a suggestion for you please make her stay away from stress .

She need love and support in her life.

I said "ok doctor thanks for helping her."
"I don't want you to tell her that i know about her acting , i will handle these matter."

After that when we came in front of her room i shake my hand with him and then enter in her room.

I saw that she was awake when she saw me her eyes filled with tears and she tried to run toward me.
But i came towards her and wiped her
tears and kissed her on head and said
"Relax jaan i am fine , you don't need to take tension , come we will go to our home".

On the mention of home she remember her act and she looked toward me .
But i didn't give her slightest idea that i knew about her truth.

I said to her" jaan  please wait here i m coming after making call then we will go to our home."

And i went from their but not before
Signalling Dr Ashok to handle the situation.

As expected she asked Dr Ashok that if  i have doubt 🧐🧐🧐🧐 on her or not.
Then he said to her " Actually he have some doubt on you about attack but i told him that it is normal for you to behave sometime childish and sometimes mature because you are recovering."

She said " Thanks a lot Doctor you help a lot thank you so much ".

I then came inside and take swara in my arms .
I looked towards her and saw that now she is fine because she know that now i will handle this situation in home.

When i reached home i took her in my arms and make her lay in my bed .
Though i know she is acting still i pretend that i don't know anything about her secret.

I will surely punished her for seducing me knowingly but not now.

When i came downstairs i saw that she is also coming behind me but i went downstairs and told everyone about that she have attack at that time  that's why she reacts aggresively
and i have taken extra medicine also for her anger issue.

I looked all of them and i can say they all are started believing my words.

I turned and went toward room.
and saw that my jaan is sleeping or i can say pretending.
I smiled and thought that she did all
those stunt intentionally .
Now i will teach her a good lesson
Jaan now I will see how you are going to control your hormones.😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
I mentally laughed her and hug her from back and buried my face in her neck and slept peacefully in arm of my love of life.

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