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I woke up early or maybe i just can't sleep so I decided to have a morning jog, It's been an hour walking and jogging around the village I don't want to make myself tired since my school days are getting intense

I was drinking my water when someone tap my shoulders and it was Touya wearing a hoodie and a black jeans he also have a plastic bag on his right hand "I didn't know your into morning jogs " he said with a smirk "Nope, I just can't sleep so i decided to have to" i said closing the cap of my tumbler

"Wanna go on my place? " he asked walking pass by me, "Uhm sure?" I said almost a mumble, It's not like i want to but i just don't have anything to do when i go home also its still early for school

I walked alongside him swaying my tumbler

I didn't know we lived in a same village

We reach Touya's place so i looked around and i felt relax, the house is old style or traditional style or what ever the fuck it is, Touya opened the sliding wooden door and wear his home sleepers, he gave me a bunny like home sleepers so i wore it

It's so silent here

"Pardon me for walking in " I said in a high tone but not shouting they still might be sleeping, I walked behind Touya then a I heard a tiny footsteps approaching us "Touya-nii! Is that a girl?!" I heard a young boy's voice shout running through our direction

He has a little brother?

Then the boy stopped when he saw me his tiny hands holding the hem of his own shirt staring at me "She's pretty... " he mumbled but enough for you to hear "T-thank yo-" your about to thank the cute young boy with a bi-colored hair and a bi color eyes when he shouted again but more higher "TOUYA-NII HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!! "

I blushed hard and used my left hand to cover my face in embarrassment but its not enough to completely hide my face, i feel Touya's gaze and felt more embarrassed he just chuckled "Shoto calm down she's my friend " so Shoto is his name, i nod at the young boy agreeing on Touya

He grab the hem of Touya's hoodie "But she's pretty you should date her... " he said looking at his brother with a glimmering eyes "Are you L/n-chan?" an older lady behind us said, i turn around and saw a beautiful woman with a white hair, wait SHE KNOWS ME?!

She must be his mom

"Good morning!, Yes I'm L/n.. L/n Y/n " i said lowering my head to show some respect "Your pretty" she said smiling at me 'she's so soft ' "T-thank you Todoroki-san also how do you know me? " i said tilting my head "Just call me Rei, Touya told me about you" she said then Touya hand him the plastic bag

Touya told her?

"He's always blabbering about you " she said making me blush again "Ok enough with that also Shoto we can play later, let's go to my room" Touya said walking away so i walked behind him nodding at his mom before leaving

"I'll just bring you some tea!! " his mom said smiling softly 'His parents are definitely opposite ones' we walked upstairs and reach a wooden door with a tiny blue fire paint definitely his room

When i enter his room its so simple also clean i didn't expect that I also saw a giant bookshelf obviously full of books not just books but almost my favorite ones "Are you gonna stare or have a sit? " he said laying his back on his bed, I sat at his chair still staring at the book "Wanna borrow some?" He said staring at me, i didn't say anything and grab the book that caught my attention

It's (favorite child book story), i hold it carefully not trying to ruin it than it is, "It's my favorite story when i was young " i said flipping the pages "Me too, my mom used to read me those" he said sitting on the edge of his bed

"I want to read it again.. c-can i borrow it? " you asked avoiding an eye contact, maybe he thinks your weird now "Sure no need to slutter" he said smirking at me and i just 'tsked'

His mom came with a two cups of tea "No need to rush everything ok? But actually i don't mind having a grand children already " she said chuckling lightly her fingers on his mouth "Mom! I told you were just friends " he said making his mom nod "Whatever you say.. " she said closing the door

"Your mom was so adorable " you said picking the cup of tea, minutes of silence pass Touya's staring at the window drinking his tea "Do you have any injuries today?" I asked as he raised an eyebrow on me "You already know about me huh, luckily i don't have any " he said then sigh

I maybe have a broken family but that doesn't compare to his shitty dad "Concerned? " he asked again staring into my (e/c) smirking again "Shut up" i said as i drink the tea and slam the cup on his desk "I gotta go, we have school " i said grabbing my tumbler and the book i borrow then walking out of his room, he just hummed in response

I walked down the stairs and saw the young boy who named Shoto holding a tiny bear "Are you going home already? " he asked and i hummed then squish his cheeks "Can you go back again?" He asked looking at me sadly "Of course! I'll bring some ice cream next time want that? " i asked Shoto and he nods in excitement, I waved at Rei who's busy cooking breakfast "Are you not staying for breakfast?" She asked "I'm sorry but i need to head back, Nice meeting you Rei! " i said smiling then walked out of Todoroki residence


I didn't thought she could be so adorable at the same time also the way she smiled at my family, after she walked out of my room i chase her but stopped when i saw Shoto talking to her 'I wish she can squish my cheeks too'

I hated the feeling she made me everytime she's around its not that I hate her around, its just like i don't want her to leave when I'm already with her

Yoww Happy Valentines Day!❣️
Hope you enjoyed the day even though some of you are single Haha i mean some of us🤧

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