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         Tapping your fingers on table as you wait for the bell to ring, you can't hide your excitement to beat Touya's ass and shove him the fact that your more powerful than him

You turn on yourside to see him sleeping again ‘Why the fuck he's always seem so tired or sleepy' you said to yourself staring at him, you heard the bell rang and you stretched your arms and grab your bag

Time to beat some ass

The pro/teacher said his goodbye and walk out of the class so you stand up and slam your hand on his table making him flinch and look at you “Get up time for the show " you said smirking at him

He just stare at me before getting his bag and walk away so i chased him and pull his suit “Don't act like a boss I'm the one who's going to lead the way " i said and walk faster ‘Boss? She's the one who's bossing me' Touya thought

We reach the gym so i throw my bag on the side and removed my suit leaving me on my blouse and skirt, he did the same and stand infront of me ‘no expression huh' I thought

He must be scared haha

He raised his left hand the same height as his eyes and blue flames started to show, you didn't hesitate and jump on him to attack he was about to throw some flames on you but before he can do it vines surrounded his body and wrapped around him

You laugh and create a flower vines with spikes to now attack him but you were shocked cause he burned the vines you wrapped around him and you got distracted and now your going to get kicked, you blocked it with a thin tree bark like but still his kick was powerful that it sent you flying, a loud bang was heard when you hit your back at the wall

This shit..

He smirked and about to throw his fire on you but you dodge it and punch him hard, he groan but before he came to reality you create a flower shower that hit him cutting his flesh but not that deep

He breath heavily still standing up blue flames are on his left hand. ‘He's not using his bandaged hand' you thought, then suddenly you heard him groan in pain his flames keep releasing on his left hand he groan more and more making you run on him and panic

I didn't hit him that hard

I can see the skin on his left hand burning little by little so i creat healing flower and wrapped it around his hand you can hear him breathing heavily

You crouch down on him checking his left hand and luckily it healed “You weak, I guess i won " you said without a satisfaction but still you want to claim that he lose on you even tho you didn't do that much

He didn't say anything and stayed on his back on the floor ‘Why his own quirk can burn him? '  you asked to yourself staring at the white haired boy that staring at the ceiling of the gym

“HEY STUDENTSSS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THE CLASS IS FINISHED! " Present Mic pop out of nowhere shouting like theres no tomorrow “BOTH OF YOU ON THE GUIDANCE NOW YOW!" he said you heard Touya clicked his tongue in annoyance ‘Tsk i knew it i wish i didn't agree' Touya thought

Were dead

We followed Present Mic and reach the guidance office, Principal Nezu gave us a smile before suggesting us to sit, i turned to Touya who's now sitting rubbing the back of his neck clicking his tongue


In the end Principal Nezu didn't suspend us but warned us he also called our guardian luckily my uncle didn't answer, when Principal Nezu called Touya's father Endeavor you can feel him getting annoyed

Why the fuck he's always getting annoyed by his father

He's even lucky cause i didn't even met my father my mom said I don't really need to know since she just bang  my father when she's high in alcohol

Leaving the school i stopped in front of Touya making him stopped too “What the fuck do you want now? " he asked in annoyed face “I won so i want you to walk me home" i said putting my hands on my suit pockets

“Scared of walking alone? What a pussy " he said walking pass on me so I pulled his arms and drag him on my way “Your going with me!" I said holding him tightly “He's going on his stupid work at 8 so fine, i don't think it's a bad idea to go " he said so you let go of his hand and he walked behind you ‘what a bossy' he thought then smirked

He really disrespect his dad like that huh

You walked together the silence bored you so you spoke “Do you hate your own father? " you asked but you didn't heard any reply so you asked another question “Your 15 right?" You said making him sigh “You already know that since most of the first years are 15 or 16" he said making you roll your eyes

“I'm 14 fireboy " you said looking at him “Can you stop rolling back your eyes?" He said his hands on his nape “I'm gonna do what ever i want to do also what if i don't? " you said and stop from walking then rolled your eyes again

He can't tell me what to do

He stopped too but i was shocked when he push me on the nearby wall and trapped me on his arm so i can't go out “Or else I'm gonna make that pretty eyes of you roll back while your tongue stocking out " he said smirking down on you

You panic and blush then you push him and walk away “If you do that again, I'll kill you " you said in a threatening tone “I'm just trying if girls really blush when boys do that" he said and laugh lightly that send butterflies on your stomach

What the fuck is this feeling

The book your reading this morning do you really like those? " he asked walking behind you “Yeah, any problem with it?" You said not even looking at him “I already finished that story i guess you have some taste " he said

“You like books too Fireboy? " you asked him in curiosity “Yep i also prefer mystery and adventures" he said looking at you ‘I didn't think she love books' he thought

You reach your house and turn to Touya “You can go home now Fireboy, losers are not invited here " you said slamming the gate behind you not even inviting him for a tea or what

I suddenly felt guilty

No you should not feel that he's a loser after all and losers are not welcome on your life, also i don't want to get that close to him

I don't need friends

Here you go chapter 2! We all know why he hate his father but pretend you didn't lol

Take care love you!

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