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You grab your bag and ran downstairs your very excited to see Touya, you can't fucking sleep last night thinking about the kiss

What is he doing to me

I can't help but to think about him every time, but there is a question that's stuck on my head since I'm head back home

Am I his?

If you asked me of course I want to be his, I'm the one who's going to protect him Im not a hero if I can't save or help the only friend i have


I open the classroom door and saw no Touya, Is he hurt again? Or maybe he's just late, I stare at the window waiting for Touya

Till the bell rings still no him, Aizawa came then look around us then stopped when his eyes met mine but that didn't last

“Your classmate Todoroki Touya was dropped out, Endeavor said he will be homeschooling from now on " he said making me widen my eyes in shock

“Is there any reasons? " i asked “They didn't say anything, and also everytime you need to asked raise your hand" he said slamming the papers on the table and starts talking about the lesson

I was shocked, why the fuck Endeavor needs to do that? , I mean if he really want Touya to become hero UA is the best place right?

How am I supposed to watch his back If I'm busy having my own training here, “L/n! What's the last thing i said? " Aizawa asked stopping my thoughts , you can feel the annoyance on his voice “I don't know..." i mumbled “Pay attention " he said


The bell just rang sign that its break time, I don't have my appetite after knowing the news

Until I heard them

Hearing them making want to rip them alive “Did something happened on their family? " the girl with round horns ask “Maybe they just realized that he really can't do anything" the girl that always on Luna's side said

What's her name again? Ah Kira Makomo, “I mean his fire is undeniably strong but his body can't take it " she said playing with her hair “We don't need to worry about him, what a shame I thought he's strong just like his dad" Luna said rubbing the back of her neck

“He's weak "

She said making my blood boil but i didn't flinch “Yeah, what kind of hero can he be if he can't even control his own quirk, he's such a shame for his family " Kira said before i got up and walk to them

“Take back what you said... " i said in a low but deadly tone “Ow your listening? Wanna join our conversation? No no no, You said you don't want friends so why the fuck are you here?" She said smirking at me

“Why don't you shut the fuck and don't talk shit about the person who's not even here? " i said in a deadly tone making the other 3 girls leave

𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 | 𝙳𝙰𝙱𝙸 𝚇 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu