Start from the beginning

"No it's like already 5:30'pm" your sister said and you rolled your eyes getting up

"Fine whatever, babe remind me never to work here again" you laughed at your joke and so did Liam but your sister didnt quite take it as a joke but she didnt also show you that

"What are we making?" You asked tying your hair into a bun as you came out from your room wearing some pj shorts and crop top

"Chicken, rice and pasta" she said and you nodded getting on with the pasta and keeping it to be boiled

"Oh no you put it right now" she said and took the bowl from you

"But after the water is bolied a little and then you add, the pasta wont stick" you said as you knew this for a while now, pasta was yours and liam's go to dish

"Whats cooking?" You heard a familar voice

"Dad" you squealed and hugged him tightly

"You are cooking?" He asked raising his brow

"Yes" you squealed

"Do we have a pizza hut's number on speed dial?" He asked looking at your mom and you gasped dramatically and smacked his arm playfully

"Dad" you said and he laughed shaking his head

"Just kidding dear, i know you will cook well princess" He said and you had a big proud smile

"Because i would ensure the food is edible" your sister remarked

"Excuse me?" You said now seriously but she just shook her head and you thought she might be joking but her tone didnt sound that

"Okay focus girls i am gonna change and meet Liam" your dad said and you both nodded and got back to work as you started chopping the vegetables for the pasta while she prepped for the rice

"No we need them long not diced" your sister said as you cut the onion

"But you know i dont like long onion" you whined and you were a little loud so liam got up to come to the kitchen to see if you two were doing fine

"You aint a baby now y/n" she said "cant even do a small chopping right" she muttered under her breath but you heard it

"What?" You asked and she looked at you straight

"You are doing it wrong y/n its okay to be wrong" she hissed

"You are acting as if i havent touched the kitchen in ages, for your information when Liam was on tours i used to make food for myself and just because i am younger here you cant boss me around" you added back calmly as you did your work

"Well but here you do act like a daddy's little princess, there you have liam to pamper you so stop being a pampered child and work like i direct" she snapped back

"And we all just joke that yoh dont work but probably you should get this thing in your tiny head which has a brain or not i have no clue, but DO IT AS DIRECTED" she yelled at the end and a tears now began to stream down your face

"Enjoy your cooking on your own" you whispered and left and outside you saw Liam but you just gave him a small smile and wiped your tears as you headed to your room

"Was y/n crying?" Your cousin asked and Liam shook his head and went into the kitchen

"Hey y/e-s/n" liam said and she gave him a small smile back

"You know that was a little out of line, y/n aint a daddy's princess at home, because i am like away so she does most work herself and it wouldn't be wrong for me to pamper her when i am there because she already works so much" he explained her softly

"I know Liam, i blew up about other things to her" she said quietly

"Whats wrong?" He asked calmly

"Things didnt go well with her/bf/n and at work, i am lacking behind and the deadline is near and my juniors are doing so well than me and here she is, living the best life" she sighed turning around to face Liam

"Its okay she would understand you know but she also works with NGO and social work, you know her" liam smiled

"I am sorry" she sighed

"Dont be babe, not to me, go make it up with her" he said

"But food?" She looked at the chicken that was yet to be made

"Chef liam at your service y/e-s/n" he bowed down and she laughed giving him a hug and whispering a thank you as she went up to your room

You had washed your face and were patting it dry with a towel when you saw her and immediately you turned her back to her

"Hey there younger sister" she said and you closed your eyes

"Will you forgive me please? I am sorry i blew about something at work and with mess with h/bf/n" she explained

"Whats wrong you are... are you crying?" You asked shocked. She was the strongest one you have known and seeing her cry was a shocker

"No" she lied wiping the tear that just came flowing down

"What happened with you at work and with y/bf/n?" You asked her and she sighed

"I am lagging behind for my work and the deadline is soon" she sighed "and my boss is being an ass and i took it out on you"

"Its okay dont worry, now you need my help in any way for your work thing?" You asked and she shook her head

"Its just something i have to do along with my /bf/n" she adds and you nod

"Dont stress its cool" you said hugging her tightly

"Wanna have some chocolate?" You asked giving some of yours and she laughed eating a piece

"Who is cooking?" You asked

"Chef Liam" she imitated his voice and you two laughed and then went downstairs after the aroma was surrounding your room and saw Liam setting up the dining table

"Lemme help" you whisper as you set the plates

"Is she okay?" He asked you and you nodded

"Thanks love, you both shouldn't fight especially after you both like meet in ages" he smiled and you awwed at how much he loves you and your family bonds

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