Chapter Six: Alone Again

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5up buried his head into one of his textbooks. He was still confused over last night's dream. He had spent the last couple hours attempting to get ahead with his English work, but he was still stuck on the first chapter. 5up shut the book and placed it on his bedside table. A notification drew his attention to his phone where 5up spotted a text from Fundy. He sighed, he wasn't trying to ignore his friend per say, but Fundy made him confused. But to 5up's luck it was a Saturday, and he didn't have to interact with anyone if he didn't want to. 5up pulled his legs up to his chest and held them there. He rested his head on his knees and stared at a picture on his wall.

"Hey 5up?"

5up twisted his head to the source of the noise.

"Josh stop talking."

5up poked his tongue out at Josh who rolled his eyes.

"Later." 5up hissed, before turning back to the teacher.

"No 5up it's really important." Josh whispered back.

"Later Josh." 5up didn't bother to look at Fundy.

"5up. Josh. That is the last time. Both you are to stay inside during lunch."

"But... sir I didn't-"

"I don't want to hear it 5up."

5up sighed, he couldn't help being annoyed at Josh.

5up sat with his back pressed against the wall and his arm crossed.

"5up I'm sorry it was just really important."

5up turned to face Josh, "okay fine. Now you can say what you so desperately wanted to talk about... IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS??"

"Woah 5up..."

5up sighed, "sorry dude. Just tired."

"Y'know what. There is no point delaying this."

"What's up?"

"I'm moving."

5up felt the breath in his lungs being sucked out of him. He tried to say something, but his throat grew painful and dry.

"5up say something..."

5up only stared blankly at Josh

"5up please..."

"...Don't leave me." 5up's voice was barely heard over the screams of joy that the children made outside.

Josh rested his hand on 5up's shoulder, "you'll be okay. I promise."

5up brought the book back up to his face, drawing his attention away from the picture. But after he reread the first sentence in the chapter for the 17th time, he sighed and placed the book down. 5up slowly pulled himself from his bed. He walked over to the picture and held it in his shaking hands.

"I promise."

5up let the picture drop to the floor, ignoring the smashed glass that covered the white carpet.

"Hi! I'm Fundy! What's your name?"

"Oh... um I'm 5up."

"Why hello there 5up." Fundy bowed down, hand outstretched and for the first time in forever, 5up stifled out a laugh.

Fundy sat in that position for a couple of moments before he straightened up, "come on 5up, you're supposed to take my hand."

"I.. am?" 5up stammered.

"Duh!" Fundy chuckled, bowing down again.

5up giggled before using Fundy's hand to pull himself up. Fundy hook his arm around 5up's and lead him away to a secluded part of the playground.

"So, you're new?" 5up asked, sitting down on a bench next to Fundy.

"Yep. Just moved here." Fundy replied.

"Why did you come up to me? Out of everyone?"

When Fundy didn't reply immediately, 5up searched Fundy's face for any break of emotion.

Fundy just raised his eyebrow, "I don't know dude. I just kinda went this one looks nice and walked up to you."
5up blinked before looking down at his shoes, "that takes a lot of courage."

"Maybe." Fundy murmured, "but if courage is needed to make a lifelong friend then courage is nothing."

"...Lifelong?" 5up meet Fundy's gaze.

"Oh yeah, I may have failed to mention that. You're stuck with me for the rest of your life." Fundy winked.

"Oh no!" 5up said sarcastically.

Both boys cackled at their own stupid joke.

5up smiled at himself before quickly bending down and cleaning up the broken glass. He wandered into the kitchen with the dustpan of broken glass only to find his mother reading the paper while baking something that smelt delicious.

"5up! What a nice surprise to see you out of your room!" His mother joked.

5up rolled his eyes before carefully wrapping the pieces of glass in a paper towel. His mother turned to face him.
"What happened?" She asked.

"It slipped from the wall." 5up replied, not meeting eye contact.

He chucked the paper towel into the trash and started walking to his room before his mother stopped him.
"Here this came for you in the mail." She passed him a neatly sealed envelope with his name written in fancy letters on the front.

"What is it?" 5up asked.

"I'm not sure. How about you open it?"

"Okay later." He smiled, walking back down to his room.

5up flopped onto his bed and held the envelope in his hands. He sat up and carefully teared the envelope open. 5up removed the letter inside.

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