read for humanity

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Guys, yesterday night our gang member rii saw something that broke our heart.
Rii was moving from the road when he saw a girl was trying to force herself on a boy. He decided to watch what happens next. He opened his camera and started recording it. He saw that first the girl tore the man's clothes. Then she tore hers. She forcefully aplied her lipstick on man's lips. Man started crying violently. Then she started screaming for help. Rii tried to play along and went there. Then she told something that shocked him. She said that the man tried forcing him on her. This made rii's blood boil. She started sheading her crocodile tears. Rii was numb as he didn't knew our society has fallen this much. Now many people were coming to girl and consoling her, cursing the boy; not letting him say his pov. Rii showed the video and after that the people were shocked. He called the police and got that girl arrested.

Boys's don't have feelings !
They can't shed tears !
Traditionally, men were seen as being weak or unmanly in some way if they expressed themselves through crying,” she says, “hence terms such as ‘man up’ and insults such as ‘Mammy’s boy’. Although this view of masculinity is thankfully changing, it is still hard to shake off the entrenched cultural values that we have all absorbed. In some ways, we may feel we are protecting boys from the judgements of others and preparing them for the so-called ‘real world’ by telling them not to cry from a young age. It has always been more socially acceptable for girls to cry, so we are more likely to comfort them rather than telling them to stop!
U all must have heard "don't u have mothers and sisters at ur home" now I would like to ask that girl "don't she have father or brother at home"
Boys grow into men who are often seen to be less open about their feelings in comparison to women but because they may not talk, does not mean they don’t feel. Despite being culturally more accepting and hopeful that men will share their feelings, the fear of being perceived as anything other than masculine affects our understanding of their emotional state. With increased rates of depression, suicide is a leading cause of death of young males. After the age of 16, the rate increases.
U know what guys, one of our gang member Abhi who writes with us for u all, tried to commit suicide 5 times and the reason was SAME! A simple "so called friend" of his who was jealous of him spiked his drink and made her sister act as he raped her! Is it fair!
"Treat girls like queens" "u shed tears! U are such a mamaboy "
The trash patriarchal world we live in rarely rewards men who reveal their vulnerabilities, or their traumas.
When guys flirt with girls u try to console girls and slap/beat boys but when girls flirt with boys u all just see it and comment "mama'sboy" and some people even laugh at them!
Enough is enough
And to the boys reading this, tell me this is true or not! Be free to release ur feelings! When we cry we are actually relieving our body of countless toxins and hormones that contribute to elevated stress levels. This in turn can help individuals to sleep better, strengthen their immune systems, and avoid gaining weight. By lowering our stress levels, crying may also help lower our blood pressure.

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