the start

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Sirius couldn't find anything to hold his attention anymore, not with everything happening outside the walls of Hogwarts, he couldn't stand it. He couldn't just sit there and watch it all happen. He didn't understand how his friends didn't seem to notice. James speared no time away from Lily, not after she finally said yes to a date. Peter sat and played chess until he fell asleep, and Remus. He wasn't sure what he was doing, but it was always something. Sirius was bored with life. 

'can you keep it down I'm trying to finish a paper' 

James had grown tired of Sirius' constant strumming of his guitar, if James didn't want to hear it he shouldn't have bought it for him. It was the only thing Sirius put effort into anymore. The rest of the marauders would make him play until they fell asleep, forcing a very grumpy James into the common room most nights. He had grown into the habit of playing any chance he could, it clammed him at times when he felt restless. 

And he did feel restless most days, he didn't see any point in putting work into school anymore. He had his uncles money to fall back on, and with a war steps away from going into full swing, he didn't see much of a point in anything. Not when he wasn't able to help, not when he was uselessly sitting in his dorm room every night. He hadn't thought much of what would happen in  a year and a half from then, he would leave Hogwarts, without a family to go home to. His life had fallen apart over the summer, tho he was safely with the Potters, life seemed empty. He woke up every day to the same dorm, with the same people, with the same him. He could see the others growing tireless with life, James had Lily, but besides that distraction, Remus and Peter sat bored by his sides. 

Normally when the group found themselves bored they'd pull a prank, or cause any type of chaos they could, but James was with Lily and he wouldn't risk her for a little bit of fun. So they sat in the dorm room, not even a book in Remus' hand, almost as if they were all starring at the wall, willing something, anything to happen. 

'can I try your guitar Pads' 

James had never shown any interest, but Sirius would be damned if he denied James the pleasure of what a guitar could bring. Upon the first couple pulls at the strings it became clear to the lot that James was a natural. As James continued to pick at the strings, Peter began using his fingers as sticks, hitting his book that sat on his chest. Sirius could almost feel his ears perk up as Remus began humming softly to himself as he wrote in his notebook. 

but they would never, Sirius thought, theres no possible way-  

'Hey Padfoot do you think if I owl mother she would send me one from the same shop?'

Sirius didn't think he had felt such joy since 5th years winter break. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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