Chapter 11: Make Her Your Queen

Start from the beginning

The chance to have her by his side is enough to convince him, but those pesky doubts keep picking at his resolve.

He couldn't take it anymore; the uncertainty drives him mad.

Leaving Kylo with no choice but to seek help.

So, he goes to find Vicrul.


It isn't long before Kylo is pounding on Vicrul's door. He grows more impatient the longer he's left standing out in the hall.

Vicrul frantically answers the door, looking somewhat disheveled. His bare chest rises and falls with labored breaths while strands of his shoulder-length blonde hair stick up, looking as if someone has been tugging on it.

Kylo can't help but notice the tiny sparkly butterfly sticker that's stuck to Vicrul's chest. " that a sticker?"

"Master Ren!" he shouts, his tone uncharacteristically anxious as he continues to try and nonchalantly call over his shoulder. "What are you doing here? At my front door? So late?"

Kylo gives his knight an odd look and pushes past him. "Why the fuck are you shouting? Is someone in here with you?"

"In here? Of course not—" Vicrul's words die in his throat as the tiny blonde known as Elsie comes bounding out of the bedroom wearing the shirt Vicrul was currently missing with a pair of fuzzy pink cat slippers on her feet.

"Daddy! I found my hairbrush, and I picked the book I wanted for my bedtime story. I—" She stops short at the sight of Kylo.

A moment of awkward silence passes, the three of them frozen in their spots.

That is until Kylo whirls around to face Vicrul. "What in the FUCK is she doing here? Does Evangeline know she's here?"

Vicrul nervously laughs and averts his gaze. "She won't know if you don't tell her...."

Kylo snarls, "I will not lie to her for you, Vicrul!"

"So, that's where your true loyalty lies."

Kylo takes a threatening step in the direction of his knight, but Vicrul quickly throws his hands up in surrender.

"Just a joke, Master Ren."

But Kylo isn't sated. His anger pulsates throughout Vicrul's quarters. "You bring her home now! Evangeline will have your head if she finds out you've taken Elsie so far away from her!"

"Let's just all calm down. You're scaring Baby El." His tone is gruff until he turns to address Elsie. "Come here to me, doll."

Kylo glances over his shoulder to see the blonde's eyes wide, her body shaking like a leaf. After everything Evangeline had told him about the young girl's past, the guilt he feels is instantaneous.

He relaxes his stance and takes a step back to clear her path.

She bee-lines to Vicrul and flings herself into his waiting arms. "I've got you, baby girl. You're alright." He cradles her against his chest, arms securely wrapped around her.

"You're angry at each other and it's all my fault!" She sobs into Vicrul's bare chest until he takes hold of her face and tilts it upward.

"Angry? Who's angry?" He gives her an overly enthusiastic smile. "See? No one's angry. You haven't done anything wrong."

Elsie peeks over at Kylo to gauge the truth of Vicrul's words.

Letting the muscles in his face relax, Kylo bows his head in her direction. "Forgive me for startling you, Miss Elsie."

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