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Young Olivia GouinKirie's pencil tapped against her school desk.
Flag was less than an hour away. Sixth grade homeroom to be exact.

Only a few of her classmates have arrived. Some were wandering around school before classes starts.

A notebook opened for her to see, its messages...not so nice.
It was her own personal notebook she called the "Burn Book", in there, were all the nasty secrets about her classmates. Along with sickening and embarrassing facts about them, and their social media pictures pasted in on there as well.

'Bertha Sanchez is attracted to Susie Howard's boyfriend. What a slut. She keeps complaining about her life at home. Pretty sure her caretakers are also complaining about her right now. She always wants attention. She's gross.'

'Skarla Janice isn't virgin.'

'Anna Lopez is a judgemental bitch.'

'Emil Bautista thinks he's the best in english speaking, and looks down on everyone. Hope someone kills themselves and blame it on him and his toxic attitude.'

'Althea Gardenia thinks she's all pretty and is one of those drama TV shows. She talks like she's one of those cute, attractive characters. Hell no, she's actually ugly as hell.'

Currently, Ollie was thinking more on what to add on her newest collection; Luna Barkis.
She was stuck up, brags about her experiences in her model home, and makes up a new problem for herself every week.
Last, last week, she announced she has claustrophobia.
Then the next week, she announced she was "diagnosed" with Schizoid Personality Disorder.
Then this Monday, the most recent, she said she has anorexia.

The problems that were not supposed to be taken lightly—well, ladies and gentlemen! May I present to you, Luna Barkis! For being an absolute retard.

Some believed her, some were doubting the little prissy, and some just stopped. Totally done with her and her bullshit.

"Ah!" Ollie gasps, as she immediately dove to the page, writing down her newest addition comment about Luna.

'Every time she opens her mouth, one of her brain cells disappears.'


Ollie sat back, admiring her work before closing the book and shoving it in her bag, just in the nick of time as the bell rang.

An amazed look flitted across her face, "Woah, I must have been so caught up with thinking and then writing it down." Ollie thought to herself.

"Hoi. GounKore, tara na. Flag." A boy calls out in her native language, snapping Ollie from her thoughts, a frown etching onto her face.

"Its GouinKirie. Thank you very much." She snaps, as she stood up from her seat.
The boy rolls his eyes, before jogging away, heading to the school's basketball court for the flag ceremony.

In the Philippines, before starting classes, most schools start off the day by students flocking the most biggest part of the school, which was the open aired basketball court. Students then would form in line with their class, and sing the national anthem, and pledges of allegiance. Maybe from time to time, there might be some short dances to awaken the still sleepy students.


Mostly all girls in class has turned red. Their cheeks burning up, as they try to hold themselves from throwing their figures to the new face that just arrived.
Fresh meat, if anyone would say.

Currently everyone was looking at the new transfer student. The teacher and the principal standing beside him.
Oh yeah, its a guy.
The most attractive kind of guy you'd find straight out of a romantic movie.

And there he was. Standing right in front of the whole class.
"Hi, I'm Edolas MarggotBridge." He says plainly.
Strike that and give him a point for being mysterious for a first impression too!

Think all you want, but this mysterious, foreign, transfer student strike a cord in Ollie's heart.

His dark hair was tousled back in a messy wave. The way how neat he wore the uniform, and that way he carries himself. Confident and...irresistible.

She must have been daydreaming for quite a while now, since Ed—
"Oh my gosh! Ed? Did I really just give him a nickname already?!" Ollie blushed, her ears reddening too.

Edolas was now walking in confident strides...towards her.

He halted in his tracks, just by her desk. His gaze lingering on her features.
In return, Ollie stated back at him defiantly, yet the blush on her face saying otherwise.

Edolas's lips curved upward into a smile, before placing a small object in her desk.

"I hope you like it," He says in a low whisper, "I made it myself."
With that information out, he walked away from her desk, leaving Ollie flustered, as she studied the object and found it to be a piece of candy in a silvery-blue wrapping.

Edolas circled the entire class giving his homemade candy to all the girls in class.

With trembling fingers, Ollie unwrapped the candy, revealing by far, the most beautiful chocolate she had ever seen.
The treat was molded in the shape of a butterfly, with delicate drawings of hearts designing it.

Ollie popped the sweet into her mouth. Sweetness immediately possessing her taste buds.
It was delicious and chewy.
Just thinking about the sweet, makes you want to beg for more.


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