How would she survive without her sister at her side?

She did need to get married, but oh how she will miss her! She was her mentor in everything. Bethany learned how to serve the royal family well, from her.

Melissa served the queen well. It was often heard, the queen singing her praises of Melissa. It made Bethany proud.

"Why is she with that old guy?" She knew the answer to the question but she still asked.

This made her mother sit. She was upset by what Bethany said, she gave her effort to tell her so, "She would be blessed to have such an amazing man to be betrothed to. I wasn't so fortunate, and look where I ended up?" Mothers brows were knit together. Bethany regretted upsetting her.

She only wanted the best for her sister. Was that so bad?

"Honey, I know you read a lot of books. Life is not like the stories you read about. Sometimes it's not happily ever after. Sometimes you have to learn to love a person if it means your future is secure."

Bethany sighed. She wished life was like the books she read. She and Ronald read a good amount of the books from the library. Currently Bethany has been reading on her own about the story of a lost princess that finds her way back to the kingdom. Then she finds she has been banished from the kingdom because they thought she had abandoned her duties. It was so fascinating.

"Mother how come grandpa didn't find you a good man to marry?" She always wondered, but never asked.

She stayed quiet for a while. Bethany turned to look at her. Mother answered her, "Father did, but he wasn't a good man, he was even older then Sir Sylvester and had a bad temper. I refused his proposal. Once I did, father then kicked me out until I would accept. Which I didn't."

She played with her blanket. Bethany watched her mother, she couldn't imagine if her own father tried to push her to marry an old guy. A shiver of disgust ran through her. She saw how she struggled whether to tell her or not.

"I was homeless for a while, until I met a man, he showed me a different lifestyle. One that gave me means for survival. One that I'm not proud of," she made sure that was clear. Bethany continued to listen intently. This was all new to her, mother never spoke of her past before. "I then got pregnant by that man with Melissa. I tried to go home but my father was livid. Said he wouldn't be shamed by his daughter."

"Is that man my father too?" Though Bethany didn't think so because she looked nothing like her sister.

"No. You see after that, was when I met your father. He and I were a secret pair though, we hid our relationship from the world. For a while he visited me, but then he felt pity, he bought a house for me and my baby. But in return I would help serve his wife."

Bethany was shocked at this news. Her mother was a secret mistress? And he bought her a house? Why didn't they live in it? There were more questions in her mind then answers.

"You see, it was a step up from my life before that." She all but read Bethany's thoughts. "Although his wife had sneaking suspicion that he was having an affair. The wife was short tempered with me because of that. As well as with him, and he often escaped to my place and would stay there days on end. One night we drank too much and.."

That's how Bethany came to be. She pieced that part together.

"So he's my father."

"Yes." She shook her head. "He was a good man to me. When everyone else turned their faces from me, ashamed of me like I was some leper. He told me how wonderful I was and how beautiful I was. Made me believe I was worth something." Bethany gulped tears back.

"You are worth something mama, don't talk like that." When she looked up from where her eyes were glued for the past ten minutes, Bethany was distressed to find her mother in tears. She ran to her mother's bedside and sat with her.

Mother placed a kiss on her head. She sniffed, and said, "Bethany darling, I'm sorry I never spoke of your father. It wasn't right of me to keep that from you."

"It's alright, I always imagined he looked something like the King of Iris." She said dreamily. Bethany heard a soft gasp from mother. "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry."

"No. No, darling." She said softly. Bethany reached for her hand and held her frail hand in hers. Those hands raised her, taught her what it meant to be a lady with purpose and poise. No matter what situation in life they were in. Those hands worked non stop to cook and clean for the king, with no thanks returned. Those hands sowed late into the night when she outgrew her clothing and could no longer fit. Staying up past her bedtime, to sew her clothing. They were selfless. Loving. A fortress for Bethany.

"I want to tell you the identity of your father, but you must swear never to speak a word of it. Promise?"

Bethany sat up, alert. Would she really?

Just before her mother was to go on, her sister rushed through the door, stumbling and giggling as she came in.

"Melissa Bolace, how dare you show up in such a state!" Mother scolded, she got up in an instant, Bethany helped her up. Gone was the weakness that laced her voice, in place was fierce disapproval.

"Mother," she hiccuped. "I'm sorry." She gave a hard laugh and flopped onto her bed without a change of attire or even closing the door behind her.

"To think she was the responsible one." Tsk, her mother said disapprovingly. She walked over to Melissa's bed and took her hat off.

"Mother was she with Sir Sylvester?" She questioned.

"I'm not sure anymore. Frankly, I hope so, for I trust him more than her right now." She walked up to the door and was about to shut it when the knight prevented her from doing so.

"Sir Sylvester?" She was surprised to find him at their doorstep.

"Madame," he knelt his head, "I did not think she would drink so much, I tried stopping her on multiple occasions, I hope you are not cross with me."

"Don't worry, I will speak to her on the morrow."

"I hope this does not prevent me from marrying her. I swear on my life I didn't do anything with her."

Mother stood, studying him. "I believe you. Thank you for bringing her back. God knows where she might have ended up if it hadn't been for you." Mother said, horrified. She shook her head in disbelief.

"Of course, it is my duty as her future husband to make sure she is safe." He bowed once more in respect and left.

Upon watching him speak with mother, Bethany considered maybe he wasn't terrible. But she wasn't still too keen on him either. He had a few grey hairs already. And begun looking aged. Oof how can she marry him? He wasn't desirable looking either.

The only thing going for him was his manners and his money. Was that enough to marry for?

Mother never finished her interrupted conversation earlier and Bethany didn't bother her.

Mother took Melissa's shoes off and clothing. Bethany got up and helped dress her sister who when they laid her down, she promptly began snoring.

Bethany laid down and cuddled her one blanket. She tried not to shiver. Once she slipped into sleep she dreamt of her father. Imagining who he was.

She was awoken before the sun arose. Her mother stood above her, with candle light. "Sweetheart you were crying in your sleep." Mother wiped the tears from her cheeks. Bethany once more fell asleep. This time she dreamt of the prince.

Riding off into the sunset with Ronald holding her, telling her she will find her father.

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