He was so beautiful, but I didn’t want him to know that. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

My heart pounded in my chest, his fingers gripping tight onto my hips, slowly rocking them back and forth. The music began to switch into another song, my cue to leave. I slipped my hands off and around his neck, taking a step back.

“Thanks.” I smiled, looking up into his chocolaty eyes.

Chris’ arm quickly wrapped back around my waist, pulling me back into him. “One more dance.” He mumbled, turning his red snapback forward.

“I can’t.” I sighed, pulling away from him.

“Ju-.” Chris was cut off by the bright spotlight moving to the top of the club, the loud music now low as the microphone made a loud screeching noise.

Everyone on the dance floor turned their attention to the top of the banister, Abraham appearing, his yellow skin glowing under the bright spotlight.

“Hey, everybody.” Abraham said with his smooth yet raspy voice, quickly scratching his beard before speaking again. “Thank y’all for comin’ out tonight to welcome our newest member to the family, Tyga. This kid is going to change the whole game, at least y’all can say you partied with him first.” Abraham chuckled, grabbing a large bottle of liquor and shaking it up. Uncorking it, he let the alcohol pour down into the crowd, a mixture of groans and cheers in the audience.

Abraham raised the bottle up, a large smile on his face as he pulled Tyga under his arm, shaking him a bit. “To Ty!” He flashed his flawless smile, letting Tyga take the first gulp of whatever was in the large bottle.

My eyes followed Kim as she waltzed over to Abraham, wrapping her arms around his neck. I have no right to be upset when I see them being affectionate, but as being the woman he sneaks around with, I naturally am.

He did this to me; it takes two people to cheat, so don’t just blame me.

I watched as he kissed his wife, his hands sliding down to her butt and gripping it tightly. I couldn’t help but think back to where his hands were less than thirty minutes ago, on me. Huffing, I quickly turned around, rushing through the large crowd towards the exit.

I rested on the bench in the front of the club, the entrance dark and private, the perfect place for me to sulk. My foot tapped against the floor, anger rising with every minute that passed.

Why am I such a fool?

Hearing footsteps approach, I quickly wiped my eyes, taking a deep breath.

“Yo, you good?” Chris’ sexy voice asked, his tall body hovering over me.

Quickly forcing a smile on my face, I looked up at him. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I lied, clearing my throat.

“I mean if you’re not, I get it. You fuckin’ the nigga and he brings his wife on stage, he’s an asshole for that.” Chris said, he honestly has no filter.

I didn’t know whether I wanted to slap him or agree with him, being that he was telling the truth. Standing to my feet, I held tight onto my clutch as I turned towards the door.

“Thanks for checking on me, I’m just going to go home.” I mumbled, grabbing onto the large brass door handles and pulling it open to expose the dark sky.

Walking out onto the sidewalk, my heels hitting against the ground echoed throughout the empty street, not one person in sight. I placed my purse underneath the pit of my arm, my body shaking as the cold night air swept past me.

“Aye.” Chris hollered, the sound of his large gold chain jingling as he jogged to catch up to me. “Damn, slow down.” He mumbled out of breath, my hesitantly feet stopping as I waited for him.

Diary of the Mistressजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें