Mysterious Developments Part 2

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It was now night time and Rhydian and I was standing outside of the Smiths home. We rang the doorbell a couple of times before it open. The door opened to reveal a man in his early thirties. he had a big plate of meat in his hand which made my mouth water. "Rhydian, Leo very nice to meet you," he said shaking my hand. "Well don't just stand there you two come on in," he said. "Please to meat you," He said laughing while showing us the table fool of meat. We all just looked at each other before grabbing a seat. As soon as they said go. I used my vamp speed to take I giant leg. Rhydian and I were eating our hearts out leaving the Smiths shocked. "Help yourself mate, have as much as you like," Mr. Smith said. He then picked a slab of ham with his fork and tried to toss it to his wife. But before you could get to her I grabbed it in mid-air and devoured it. They laughed at me and looked at each other. My brother paused for a minute and looked at the Smiths. "It's got to be nice to have a family you can be yourself around, I mean Theo and I always had each other but never like this we never had a home we could go to or people it was always just us," he said. "Well, you two are more than welcome anytime you want" I paused and looked at the two. "Even, even me," I asked nervous. They looked at me and smiled. "Maddy told us about your situation and we came to the conclusion that even you can stay here," Mrs. Smith said. I smiled brightly and gave Maddy a thankful look. "But don't get me wrong if you bite anybody in this town and I mean anybody, we'll kick you out so fast you would have thought flash had run through," Mr. Smith said. I smiled and nodded my head before taking another bite of meat. "and if you two have any questions about anything just ask" Mrs. Smith said. "On the full moon you guys change in the house like in here," I asked. "No actually we go into the cellar," he said. "the cellar," I said confused.

They let us get up from the table and walked us down to the basement level before opening a door. Inside I can see a bunch of paw prints and bones and blankets. It looked cozy. "You like it" "we call it the den everything a wolf desires and it's safe for all of us and for everyone else it's all about responsibility," Mrs. Smith said. "But don't you ever just want to run free isn't that what being a Wolfblood is about" "no we ain't, a Wolfblood is not just about giving into our primal desires it's about being a responsible part of a wider community," she said. "We have a small problem," I said. "What might that be"Mrs. Smith asked. "Your den is how should I put this, it's too small," I said. "what do you mean". "The first time we changed we destroyed our room well technically I destroyed our room you see my wolf is up to eight feet tall" I stated. "What, are serious," Mr. Smith asked. "That might be a problem," Mrs. Smith said looking at her husband. "oh no it's fine the vampire blood in my system keeps me and Total control during full moons which means I can stay in my human form I just won't be able to Wolf out with you guys," I said sadly. "Well I'm sorry Theo," Mrs. Smith said. "It's fine I came to peace with it a long time ago," I said softly. They nodded their heads and gave me a small smile. "Besides we have a rich heritage and culture and we got books there that you won't find in the school's library," Daniel said with a smile on his face. "It's true that Rome was founded by the Wolfbloods Romulus and Remus and Genghis Khan's tribe weren't called the wolves for nothing," he said looking at the book. "Yeah but most of us agree that it's better to tame our instincts," Mrs. Smith said. "most of us," Maddy said confused. Emma's face paled when she realized the words that came out of her mouth. "Yeah, I just thought-". "No, you said most of us you always told us that we all kept ourselves locked away" she questioned. "Maybe we should-" Daniel started "she's not old enough" Emma replied. "Old enough for what" "there are other Wolfbloods that don't lock themselves away, isn't there," I asked looking at the two adults. They looked at each other not knowing what to say. "Is that true" Maddy asked? "We were going to tell you after your first transformation," Mrs. Smith said. "We didn't want to scare you" Mr. Smith added. "Scare us" "there are other Wolfbloods who...well they don't share the same values as us," Mrs. Smith said. "wild Wolfbloods" "they are very rare and most of us agree that it's better to be a useful part of society instead of-" "instead of what" "instead of hating humans and hating us they're dangerous" then the realization finally hit, and Maddy looked at two of us. "It really wasn't one of you too that was in that photo". "I told you it wasn't," I said. "Shannon and Tom are out there" Maddy exclaimed. the three of us are nodded and started running towards the door leaving the two adults confused.

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