Ch.1 Practice makes Permanent.

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Yes!!! We're practicing on the streets today!!!! "Yaaaaaaaas!" I yell as our 'choreographer' said we get to practice on the streets today. And by practice on the streets, I mean we get to do a few street preformances.

"I call first song!" Callie called out as we were changing.

"I get second this time!" Grace, my best friend, called out.

"I get third 'cuz last time I couldn't choose." Belle yelled.

"And I call last!" I yelled. "Can I wear the green spandex and matching shorts?" I yell/asked Brooklyn.

"Of course."She yelled and threw them at my face.

"I'm gonna wear our 2013 Jay-Fest shirt." Callie said. "Ell, you gonna wear our Street Elementz shirt from 2015 beginning?"
I thought for a second. "Yeah, I think I will."

@An hour later@

"Callie, what are you choosing?" Grace asked Callie as we loaded into our van.
"Um, Uptown Funk. Yeah." Callie said after a minute.
"And Belle?"
"How about All About That Bass?" Belle suggested. then Grace turned to me. Her eyebrow went up, and I nodded. She wrote down my song on the paper.

& At Our Practice Street &

"Are we going to use our wireless speaker or the other one?" I asked Ms. Being.

"Um, the other one, totally." She replied. Then started laughing. Making me laugh. Oops.

"You guys ready?"Belle asked after we had set up all of the equipment.

"Yeah." The rest of us answered simultaneously. And Uptown Funk started playing. I ran to Belle, the other four girls standing by us. We started dancing, soon attracting a crowd.

;Into Grace's song;

"The Heart Wants What It Wants? Really?" I whisper to Grace as that song starts playing. She just smiles at me. Ugh, I hate this song, but of course I'll get yelled at if I stop. I just danced until the song was over. Well I thougt I would, but 3/4 of the way through the song, some screams came from the crowd, and through the crowd I could see- Oh My Gahd- Niall Horan and Harry Styles watching us dance. And- oh. Liam, wait Louis' there too. Suddenly, my brain stopped, almost,I obviously kept dancing, but I saw an angel look me in the eye.

Louis Tomlinson

Mental breakdown time. I smiled at him. Grace nudged me; she noticed him too. And the song ended. "This song," I said loudly before my choice of song started playing, "Is for a few special people in the crowd." I caught Louis' eye and smirked as Alive by 1D started playing.

My mother told me I should go into some therapy.

I asked the doctor Can you find out what is wrong with me? I don't know why I want to be with every girl I meet.

I can't control it yeah I know it's taking over me.

After Liam's part, the boys were in front of the crowd. I then realized there were four of them, but five of us. At the chorus, the boys started singing, making us all of us laugh.

When it went;

I said Hey, Its all right.

I started walking forward towards the boys.

Does it make you feel alive

I was dancing like the others, but slightly more dramatic.

Don't live back, Live your life

I stopped dancing like the others. I was getting closer to the ang- Louis.

Even if it's only for tonight. I said Hey, it's all right. If it makes you feel alive.

I quickly jogged back to the others, but on the next part, Grace started walking forward and danced like I was.

!After The Song!

As the song ended, Callie yelled out, "Thank you for coming everyone! We will try to be here this time next week. Bye!" As the crowd dispersed, we started packing the huge speaker into our van.

"Girls, you attracted quite a crowd today. And you all did splendid! What beautiful weather." I slammed the door to the van closed.

"I'm going to get a taxi back; anyone wanna come with me to a cafe?" I asked as Callie, Belle, and Brooklyn loaded into our van.

"No, thanks, but I need to get back to the studio, hopefully see you there!" Belle said as she closed the door. I started walking to the other side of the van. Suddenly from behind me, someone spoke.

"Um, excuse me." A sweet, male voice said in a British accent. Well duh, we are in London. But I have an American accent. Slowly, I turned around.

Okay, lets take a break. I can'thandle all of the beauty and fangirling right now. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Better.

One Direction.

"Oh, hello. Lovely weather isn't it?" Yes, I just said that.Suddenly Grace popped up beside me.

"Hi! Thank you guys so much for watching us! Did you enjoy it?" Grace said, her Northern accent strong.

"Well, I definitely enjoyed it. I loved the last song." Louis spoke up.

"That sounded slightly supercilious." I observed, accidentally saying it aloud.

"Supercilious?" Harry asked as if he didn't know what it meant.

"Supercilious, as in-" I started to explain.

"Not everyone has gone to uni, Elle. Stop it." Grace said, ad then started laughing. I then realized something. I slowly turned my head towards her.

"We're idiots." I said. She face-palmed herself the same time I did. "I am Ell." I said, and pointed to Grace. "And this is Grace, my sister. It's wonderful to meet you guys." I said.
"Elle!" Kellie yelled. I turned around really fast. She was waving bye. I turned back around and realized Grace had engaged herself in a conversation with Harry and Liam. Yas! I had Louis and Niall. Centuries by Fall Out Boy started playing. Grace and I danced to it for a minute before she answered her phone.
"Sorry, that was my favorite song." Grace said and slipped her phone in her bag. Harry and Liam started talking to her again.
"What's your favorite song?" Louis asked me.
"It's, its nothing important."

"What is iiiiiiit?" Niall pouted. I glared at him.

"Stockholm Syndrome." I said, slightly embarrassed.

"Point for us!" Niall yelled, throwing his fist in the air. I smiled and laughed.

"Speaking of a point for me," Louis said, slowly looking up at me. "Can I have your number?" Niall immediately stopped and glared at Louis.

"One second." I turned around and yelled but no sound came out. Then I sneezed.

I turned around to Niall and Louis intensely glaring at each other. "Um, boys. Stop please. I have no idea what's happening, but don't hate each other." They snapped out of it.

"Sorry, just having a slight argument. " Niall said, a smile on his face. "But I need your number too." Then he winked at me. I blushed terribly. I then gave them my number.

I looked at the time. Oh no! I have to go somewhere with Grand-mere. "Oh, no! I have to go. Well, I guess I''ll talk to you guys later." I quickly hugged them. Soon, a taxi was there to pick me up. As I shut the door, I squealed.

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