Chapter 7

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The next morning, Beck and I are awake by 8 a.m. to have breakfast in the restaurant before our skiing lesson at 9:30 a.m. 

"Baby, remember to wear your long underwear under your clothes," Beck reminds me as he grabs his clothes from his bag on top of the dresser. 

"Yup, thanks baby," I grin at him as I strip down to my birthday suit before rummaging through my bag that I placed on the bed. 

Grinning to myself, I bend at the waist, sticking my ass out more than necessary to wiggle it at Beck. I thought we were going to have sex last night for my first time, but nope. We made out, yes, and we gave each other blow-jobs. I'm trying to entice him, and maybe loose my virginity tonight. 

Don't judge me. I'm an 18-year-old, hormonal teenager, so cut me some slack, okay?

"Baby boy, you keep doing that, and after our lesson, I'm going to ravish you," Beck lowly growls as he wraps his arms tightly around my stomach as he thrusts his cloth covered erection against the crease of my ass. 

Giggling loudly at this, I look at him over my left shoulder with a smirk; "Maybe that's what I want you to do, daddy."

Beck's pupils are blown wide in lust as he growls again, and he suddenly drops to his knees while spreading my cheeks apart. He teases my fluttering rim with his tongue, and not even five minutes later, I'm cumming against the side of the bed, and I know Beck cam between my bare feet. Dropping my head onto the bed with a sigh of happiness while Beck runs his hands up and down my sides before kissing my left shoulder blade. 

"Do you feel a little better, my little minx?" he asks teasingly with a soft chuckle. 

"Yes," I murmur with a lazy grin as I turn my head to look at him as he stands upright. 

"There's more to come tonight, baby boy," he promises, kissing my mouth lightly before backing away to finish getting dressed. 

We arrive at our skiing lesson two minutes before it's supposed to start, and the instructor looks familiar. He's around 6 feet tall, small muscular build, red curly hair, a red beard, and piercing blue eyes. 

"Hello, I'm Lucus, and you must be Beck and Indigo," the instructor greets with a bright smile, as his eyes linger on me longer than needed. 

"Hi," I murmur, inching closer to Beck.

"Hello, yes we're Beck and Indigo," Beck replies with a frown down at me since I'm practically hiding completely behind him now. 

"Who would like to go first?" Lucus asks looking between Beck and I. 

"I'll go first," Beck offers looking down at me curiously.

"Okay," Lucus agrees, giving me a creepy smile once Beck's attention is souly on me. 

Beck smiles down at me as he gives me a light kiss on the lips; "Are you okay?" 

I just hum in reply, but he doesn't look like he's convinced, and I know he will ask about this once we're alone. I will be honest with him as to why I'm very nervous about the instructor. Intently watching the two of them interact with each other, I have caught on to most of what to do while skiing. I think I'll be fine without the instructors help, and by the time it's my turn, I refuse to have Lucus' help. With this refusal and Beck realizes I won't budge, he and I make our way to the lifts to be taken to the easy hill. 

"What's wrong, Indigo?" he asks once we're away from Lucus. 

"Um, mama was a prostitute, and that guy was one of her clients," I murmur with a shaky voice. "He, ah, he tried touching Journey as mama brought him to the house. He was trying to rape J, and I ended up beating the hell out of him for it."

He stops in his tracks, and when I look up at him, his mouth is hanging open in a large "o" shape. His eyes are blazing with pride, I think. Tilting my head to the left in silent question, for him to explain what is the matter. 

"How old were you and Journey?" he softly asks while gently taking a hold of my free hand, as I hold my skis in my left. 

"Um, I was 15-years-old, and Journey would have been 10-years-old," I mumble, but I keep my eyes glued to his blazing eyes. 

His eyes are fully blazing with pride, but there is a tint of anger there, too; "You are more bad-ass than you think you are, baby boy. I know when I was 15-years-old, I wouldn't have been that strong, to kick the shit out of someone who was older, and probably bigger than me."

Blushing a dark red at his praise, I murmur; "Yes, you would have been able too do that, You would be amazed what you can do when you are put into certain situations." 

"Let's go, my little warrior," he gently says with a smile, as he leads me to the lift. 

By noon, we are inside the resort's restaurant to have lunch after skiing for several hours. We have another lesson at 1:15 p.m. for snowboarding. Beck checked with the front desk to make sure the snowboarding instructor isn't Lucus. My sweet, yet fierce protector. 

"So, what do you think of skiing, baby?" he asks while we eat our food; we are sitting at a table in the middle of the restaurant sitting across from each other. 

"I really love it," I grin at him before taking a bite of my salad. "I feel so free while skiing. How about you?" 

He grins broadly at me; "I'm loving it, too. I know we are going to be skiing often, here or other locations." 

"Awesome. I really appreciate you doing this for us," I murmur, and I mean every single word. 

"I know, baby, and I'm happy you're enjoying this weekend with me," he grins wider, and I swear if his smile gets any wider, his face is going to split his face in two. 

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