Chapter 25: Mark

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The night turned out much better than what Isabelle had originally thought it would. She learned so much about Jared that night, more than she could possibly know.

The food had been amazing. Not only that, but when they were dancing, they had messed up on their steps plenty of times, making them laugh about it. Isabelle couldn't imagine a better night than that night.

Right now, they were just standing there, slow dancing to the music with Isabelle's head on Jared's chest. She smiled softly to herself. She wanted this night to go on forever and never end. In her dreams maybe it won't, but she knew in reality, it would. She chose to ignore it and just enjoy this while it last.

"Can I mark you?" Jared asked suddenly and Isabelle lifted his head off of his chest to look at him in the eye. "What do you mean by mark?" she asked.

Jared chuckled nervously and answered, "it's where I would bite you here," here pointed at the spot between the conjunction of her neck and collarbone, "it would tell any other male wolf that you are taken and they can't have you. It will join you to me and if you're in any trouble, you can call out to me and I can know what is happening."

Isabelle didn't know what made her do it, maybe it was with just how perfect this night had gone, or maybe it was because of her feelings, she didn't know, but she caught herself slowly nodding and saying, "yes, you can mark me. But tell me one thing, will it hurt?"

Jared's entire face lit up when she said that he could mark her and answered, "yes, it will only hurt for a moment but I've heard that after that, it's like complete bliss and it won't hurt anymore."

"Okay," Isabelle nodded and braced herself for the pain that was to come.

Jared bent down and started to kiss her softly. She kissed him back gladly, she didn't think that she could ever get enough of his kisses. He then broke away and started trailing kisses down her throat down to the spot on her neck. He started kissing and sucking, making Isabelle moan and wanting him to hurry up and get done with his torture already, she couldn't handle it anymore.

Isabelle felt teeth on her neck but she wasn't scared, far from it, she was waiting in anticipation for what was to come. Suddenly, the teeth sunk into her neck and she cried out in pain before it turned into complete pleasure. She pressed herself up against him and closed her eyes, wanting more of this.

Jared pulled away all too soon and she whined, wanting more of his touch. He kissed her neck gently, sending shocks of electricity through her that were stronger than ever before. She shivered in delight and clung on to him.

Jared then pulled away all the way and looked down at her with a smile. What he said next shocked her through and through. "I love you."

H-he loved me? Already? But how? What did I do to make him love me? She didn't expect him to love her already, but then again, she loved him. What do I say? Do I say it back? Before she could open her mouth and say anything, a growl was heard behind her.

Isabelle turned around to see what it was and when she did, she wished that she hadn't.

Not again!


I know it's short, sorry! I almost didn't know what to do with chapter. I knew what to do in the beginning, but not much else. But it would have been longer if their date hadn't been interrupted. Anyways, I don't normally up date on Wednesdays, but I don't have dance tonight till ten, so you're welcome! I took some of my time to write for you guys sine I love you guys. And wow! I'm amazed, #79 in werewolf right now and it's all because of you! Thank you so much for reading and voting. And if you loved this chapter don't forget to...




P.S. - if you are intrested in what my next story will be, here is the description.

It will be called One Day

She is the daughter of a merchant.

He is the servant to the prince.

What will happen when they meet? Will they fall in love? Or will they just stay acquaintances?


Kathryn is the daughter of a merchant. One day, the servant to the prince, Astroth, saves her life before she is ran over by a car. He takes her back to his home and cleans her up and takes care of her injuries. When she goes back home though, she finds the two guys that had chased her out into the road have her father. They kill him and Kathryn runs back to the only person she knows that will help her. Astroth.

But Astroth has a secret that no one knows about, and not only that, there is something about Kathryn that she, nor others, knew about. What had happened to her as a child to end up where she was? Only one person knows but not even they are known.

A princess comes to Rolsance shortly after. Rolsance is the kingdom that they are living in. The princess's name is Freya and she is supposed to marry the prince. What will happen to her and Tristan, the prince? Not only that, but there seems to be something about Freya to Kathryn that she just doesn't seem to quite get, there's just something about her to Kathryn that makes her feel this way? What could it be? What will happen when she does figure out why this seems so?


Note, this story is sent in modern times but more futuristic. They have gone back to the way life was like but more modern. It's a modern kingdom basically.

Tell me what you think! Will you read it when I start to write it?

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