Part forty

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Some one got flashlights.
They were a brave soul.
No, not brave, manly.
Of course they were, the they was Kiri.
The hand let go...

He gave you a flashlight.
He knew you hated the dark.

The next day...

(I got this idea from a TikTok I watched)
The black out was still there.
So they just gave them the day off.
You also didn't have to attend school.
But you had to do... online school.
(Shout out to all the zoom users!)
It was online, and everything was down, so.
The girls all came into your room.
They said it was a dayover, a sleepover, but better.
So there you were.
I'm your room, talking about boys.
You were just listening.
"Ok, so we all agree that Todoroki is the cutest?"
"What do you think?" you noticed that the one that looked like a frog was asking you.
"What?" you asked.
"Who do you think is the cutest boy?" Mina clarified.
"What type of cute, baby cute, if so, Kiri, he's friggin adorable" you said.
"No, not that kind of cute, like hot, who do you think is the hottest?" Mina asked.
"Hmm" you were thinking. "I don't really know any of them" you said.
"That's why we need your input, your not bias" the one with brown hair and pink cheeks asked.
"Hmm, I don't know, maybe... Katsuki?"
"Wait, he literally has the personality of an angry, anything" the invisible one said.
"So?" you asked no one in particular.
"Ooooo, do you like him?" the one with black hair said, she said she was the vice class president.
You laughed, "No, this was supposed to be looks right?" you asked. You also blushed a little, but you were an actress.
"Yeah true" some of them said.
"If we were going by crushes, then I know who Mina would pick" you said.
(Ok, ok, warning, I ship KiriMina, if you don't, I won't apologize because, I like them together, you have been warned)
"Noooo, don't tell" Mina cried.
"You told me not to tell him but I don't see him anywhere" you teased.
"Please" she gave you puppy eyes.
"Okay, buuuuuut" you pointed at the group who had wide eyes.
"I'm not telling" Mina pouted.
"Awwww" the group said with disappointment.

Performance, Bakugou x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt