Part four

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Bakugou's point of view

I saw her, it was less crowded now. She had a duffel bag and a guitar case. It probably had her guitar in it.
"Now?" Sh!tty hair asked.
"Yes" she said with a smile, why did I think it was a fake one?
A few moments later...
We were in the car, her bags were in the trunk. We were heading to the restaurant. We were in an cab, Uber(you decide). And we were sitting next to each other. And she was in between me and Sh!tty hair.
A car ride later...
(You got your bags)
We made it to the restaurant(you pick what restaurant they go to, it has to have spicy food)
Then we got out of the car, Sh!tty hair tried to pay the driver, then she smacked his hand and she paid. That was quite funny.
"Well if you paid for the drive then I pay for the meal" Sh!tty hair tried to negotiate.
She didn't have it.
"Don't waste your money Kiri, people can pay for their own food" she said, it made sense.
"True, but I invited them, why should they pay?" Sh!tty hair tried to have another attempt.
"You paid for their tickets, right?" he was just not going to win.
"Yes" Sh!tty hair knew he had just lost.
"Okay, who has an abjection?" she asked the group.
No one spoke.
"See, everyone is fine with paying for their own meal" y/n said, I need to come up with a nickname for her and quick.
"Fine" Sh!tty hair said in defeat.
"Yes" she said in triumph.
This was... interesting?
A few moments later...
We were seated. And Sh!tty hair was still bummed that he lost.
"Kiri, you know you can't win against me, well, except for... let me think, oh yeah you never won" she said with a little laugh while patting his back.
Her words made him laugh. She smiled to this.
"Are you ready to order?" the waitress asked.
We already had our drinks.
Everyone ordered and, of course, I ordered the most spiciest item on the menu.
And y/n had ordered a, salad? Ceaser though. Why?
"Salad? Are you on a diet again y/n?" Raccoon eyes asked her.
"No, I'm just trying to stay healthy" she had told her.
"Wait, a diet?!" Dunce face asked in surprise.
"Yeah she went on a diet for awhile in the past" Raccoon eyes informed us.
"For what?" he had asked another question.
"I don't know" Raccoon eyes said.
"Welp, I'm gonna go" y/n said.
"Where? Wait, are you lEaVInG?!" Sh!tty hair asked.
"No, just heading to the restroom" she said while giving a little laugh.
Wow, isn't she proper.

Your point of view

"Where? Wait, are you lEaVinG?!" Kiri asked while panicking.
"No just heading to the restroom" you said in surprise and you laughed.
You headed to the restroom and, well, did the duty.
A few minutes later...
You went back to the table.
And the blonde one named Katsuki was, staring at you?
Like he was integrating you with his eyes.
You were startled.
And looked away then looked back to him staring at you.
"Um... hi?" you said to him.
"What's weird about you?" he said.
"What?!" you said in shock but you laughed. "What kind of question is that?" you asked in amusement.
"He comes up with nicknames for everyone, mostly from what's weird about them" Kiri informed you.
"Oh, well, why do you nee-" you were starting but was interrupted by Mina.
"She's a grade above her age group" you elbowed her in the stomach. She laughed by your reaction. "Like, she's in the same grade as us, but she's fourteen" she continued.
"Kid" he said.
"What?" you asked.
"He has chosen a name" the other blonde one but with a lightning bolt in his hair named Denki said.
"To him, your Kid now" the one with big elbows named Sero said.
You shrugged.
You looked back at Katsuki and he wasn't looking at you anymore, good.
The food came.
And you ate your salad.
"Hey Kid" Katsuki said.
You stayed silent, just eating.
"Hey Kid" he said a little louder.
"Oh, it's the final showdown" Kiri said.
"Who will win?" Mina asked no one in particular.
"Hey Kid" Katsuki said a little louder.
You just sat there looking at your food.
"Kid, don't ignore me" he said irritated.
You were stubborn, and you wanted to see how he would react.
"Tch, y/n" he said with an eye roll.
"Yes" you said.
"She won" Mina said.
"Of course" Kiri said.
"What's with the rabbit food?"
"Why are you eating that sh!t?"
"What the f$ck"
"Watch your profanity" you said.
He was shocked.
Everyone said "Oooooo"
"What, no one ever told you not to curse?"
He laughed. It was a nice laugh.
"Who is this person Kirishima?!" Sero and Denki said in unison.
"A friend" Mina answered.
"No one stands up to Bakugou" Sero and Denki spoke again.
"So you said he comes up with nicknames for everyone? What's all of y'alls?" you asked the group.
"Soy sauce face"
"Raccoon eyes"
"Dunce face"
"Sh!tty hair"
"He said what about your hair? Sure it's not like it used to be but your hairs nice" you said while giving Katsuki a playful death stare.
"What was it like?" Denki asked.
"It was bla-" you were interrupted by Kiri.
"Nothing!!" Kiri said.
"No, no, let the girl speak" Denki said.
"Oh, you haven't told them yet? Well my lips are sealed" you said.
"Thanks" Kiri said.
"Buuuut, tell them soon because I think Dunce face will explode if you don't explain soon" you said before you winked at Katsuki, well tried to.
"Nooooo, not you to!" Denki said.
"Wow, she doesn't want to be called a nickname but she calls someone else one" Katsuki said playfully.
"At least I didn't come up with it" you said, playfully.
You were both smirking at each other then you looked away. You didn't want to get sucked in his stare.

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