Untitled Part 1

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"What the hell was that about?" Ron screamed as he threw himself into the sofa in the Aurors' lounge.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, grinning.

"I mean what the fuck are you playing at, Harry? You nearly got yourself -- and me -- killed out there!"

"You're exaggerating, mate. We're just fine."

"Yeah, but just barely."

"Ron, you know we always come out of everything okay."

"No, Harry, I don't. What I see is that we barely scrape out of sticky situations that nearly get us killed on a weekly basis!" Ron had jumped up and was now pacing. "Ginny's right," he mumbled under his breath.

Harry stopped his pacing with his outstretched arm. "What did you say?" he asked through gritted teeth and narrowed eyes.

"I said that Ginny's right. She's been saying for months now that you have a death wish. Ever since Lily went off to Hogwarts, it's like you don't care what happens to you anymore."

"That's a load of rubbish, and you know it!"

"Is it? I don't think so Harry. I think she has a point. Do you know how many times you have broken the rules, skirted protocol and jumped in when you know damn well you should wait for backup? Do you?"

Harry scowled in response.

"I didn't think so. Well, I do. Fourteen times in the past eight months, Harry. Fourteen times we both could have died."

"You didn't have to follow," Harry reasoned, his voice calm but angry.

"Oh, really? And what was I to do, stand back and let you jump in with no backup at all? Or stay back while someone attacks me standing there on my own? Neither prospect holds much promise, does it?"

"Maybe," Harry suggested, barely holding back his rage, "you should request another partner if I'm such a loose canon."

"Ha!" he barked in response. "Are you kidding? My sister would kill me if I left you to fend for yourself!"

"Oh fuck off, Ron. It's not like you're out there saving my arse every day. I take care of myself. Why don't you just put yourself out of your misery and move on then?"

"Well, Hermione would certainly appreciate it if I did," Ron retorted.

Harry could tell by the look on his face that Ron hadn't meant for that to slip out. Fine then. If Hermione didn't want her precious husband partnered up with Harry, he would soon take care of things. He stormed out of the lounge and into Kingsley's office, slamming the door behind him.

"I want a different partner," Harry announced without preamble. "As soon as possible." He looked at his boss whose face was unreadable. "Please," he said as an afterthought.

"Did the two of you have a falling out?" Kingsley asked.

"In a manner of speaking," Harry replied. "It seems that he and his wife would rather have him paired up with someone ... well, with someone who is --"

"Less reckless?" Kingsley offered, brows raised.

"Fine. Yes. Someone who will just go in and do what he's told and not risk anything. Someone not like me."

"And the reason Mr. Weasley isn't in here requesting this transfer instead of you?"

Harry drew a calming breath, trying to maintain some composure. "My wife apparently feels that her brother's job is to babysit me." At Kingsley's bemused expression, he continued. "I disagree."

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