New Girls P.2 (Newt)

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Newt x Fem!Reader
Warnings; Glader slang

"Where am I?"
(Y/n)'s P.o.V

All the boys stare at me. Some look amused, some sympathetic and others just bored. "Welcome to the Glade Greenie," I look up to the edge of the box, a boy stands there. He looks like the leader of this place, so I feel like I can trust him. The boys around him all look to be around 15-18 which seems kind of weird but that's not the biggest issue at the moment. From who I can see we have Blondie, my favourite so far, Leader Boy and... Eyebrows. How did I not see him before, because he has some serious eyebrow game and he seems very angry. Anyway I'm getting distracted, the other boys around me seem pretty normal to be fair. As I look at the boys, I notice that the other girl hasn't woken up yet. I rush over to her to check that she's even alive and thankfully she's breathing. The other boys around me seem to jump into action, picking her up and getting her out of the box. Now that I think about it, how am I supposed to get out of here? Blondie seems to notice my dilemma and puts his hand out to me. I look at his hand and back up to his face, trying to decide what he meant.

"Do you trust me?" He smirks at me, not in a flirty way or in a cocky way, more like playful banter between two good friends. I simply nod and put my hand in his. It's soft and slightly calloused, but just the small touch has got my face heating up again. Calm yourself girl, you don't even know his name. I don't know any names yet. I'll have to find out later. The boy pulls me over to the side and lets go of my hand. Before I can question him, he pulls himself out of the box and offers both his hands to me with a smile. Looking up at him, I can feel butterflies in my stomach, but I try to ignore them as I grab his hands. I place my feet against the cage and together we pull upwards. Other hands push my legs up and the added force shoves me into the cute guy. We land on the floor, me above him in a kind of compromising position. The sound of hoots and hollers fills my ears, so I quickly get off the poor boy, who's gone very red which I will admit makes him more adorable. Just like he did for me, I put my hand out to him. Thankfully the other boys seem to have better things to do, so it's just me and Blondie.

With his hand still in mine, he looks at me like he realised something. "I'm Newt by the way. Don't worry if you can't remember your name, none of us could when we first came up. It'll come in a few days at most." After he lets go of my hand someone walks over to us. It's the leader guy, or at least I hope he is. He introduces himself as Alby, and goes on to talk about how he's the leader and the basics of the Glade.

"Newt here will give you the tour, if you need anything just come to either of us, okay?" Alby places a hand on the blondes shoulder as I nod and then he walks off, probably to deal with the Gladers, as he called them.

Time skip

After a long day of walking around the Glade and learning about the what these boys have made from what there given, I'm glad I can finally sit down and rest. The bonfire that I'm told they have for every Greenie is in full swing and boys drink and dance to their hearts content. For the first time all day, they all look carefree and happy. Except Alby, who looks like a disappointed parent, and Newt, who's looking around as if trying to find someone. Eventually his eyes land on me and he smiles warmly. He gets up, nods at Alby and walks over to me with a jar in his hand. "So how are you doing so far She-Bean?" He sits next to me and offers me the jar. I grab it from him while saying that I'm ok, however I think both of us know it's not entirely true, but how good can someone be when they wake up with no memory in the middle of a field surrounded by walls. I take a large gulp of the liquid and swallow it quickly. It burns down my throat but I only wince because I don't want to embarrass myself.

"That was... impressive, I've never seen anyone handle Gally's drink so well before!" Newt laughs and takes the jar back, taking a sip and relaxing slightly. He looks up and down at me, like he's finally able to actually take in what I look before his gaze rests on my neck. Newt comes closer to me and I can feel the butterflies start in my stomach again. Gently, he brushes his hand over my neck to make sure he can see it. What he's looking at I have no idea.

"A5's Lover? Who's A5?" Hearing those words makes something in my brain click. My hand goes into my pocket and I can feel some paper in there. I take it out and we both stare at it. I open it a begin to read it out loud, but only so Newt and I can hear.

Your name is (Y/n)
You have been put in the maze for a reason. That reason being you couldn't stand to watch the boy you love get hurt anymore. You watched for year, not being able to do anything about it. I should know. I am you. I know I won't remember anything, just at he won't remember me. But you need to make sure he's safe, and I believe that even after everything you will be as in love with him as I am. Don't believe everything they tell you. They hurt you. I don't have much time left here, just please make sure he never jumps again. Please.

I put the letter down on my lap and we both stare at it. I can feel tears pricking at my eyes so I try to hold them back. I loved someone. And they tried to jump in the maze and there's nothing I could do about it. Now I'm here and I don't know who it is. Although I do have a slight feeling it's the boy sat next to me. Why would he do that? I mean it makes sense because he has a limp and there is a slight familiarity about him. I look over to see his eyes are glossed over.

"You loved me."

A/n; I kind of like this plot so comment if you want me to make a part 3

Thomas Brodie-Sangster and Character ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now