They all simultaneously flipped the door off before slowly turning to each other, grinning.

James began singing louder. "And the girl in the corner said boy, I wanna warn ya, it'll turn into a ballroom blitz..."

"Ballroom blitz!" the four of them all bellowed together before falling down in their places.

A few dust specs got stuck into the grooves of the record player making it jump between lines. They all sighed before Remus jumped off his bed and took the stylus and record off the turntable.

"I'm getting closer to her," Sirius sighed jumping flat onto his bed. "I can feel it." He reached his hand up to the sky before dropping it.

"Sirius," Remus began, "if a girl shows to you that she has absolutely no interest in you, that is not an invitation to try and like her even more. Prongs, you're excluded from this conversation." He pointed to the curly-haired boy who looked like he wanted to join the conversation but shut up quickly once his worries were affirmed.

Sirius grumbled. "Hey, why does he get a pass? He's been pining over Evans for the past five years and she keeps turning him down."

"Yeah, because we all know Lily doesn't truly hate James," Remus said nonchalantly. The boy's eyes lit up.

"Really?" James said excitingly.

"Oh, Merlin," Peter complained.

"Shh, shh. We'll talk about it another time," Remus waved him off. "Nuna on the other hand has shown that she absolutely has no interest in Padfoot. It's getting sad, mate."

"Hey!" Sirius barked. "I'm getting somewhere. She gave me the record for Merlin's sake."

"Only because she didn't have a record player of her own and she knew we had one," Peter commented. Sirius sent him a death glare and began to mimic the boy. Just then the boy's eyes lit up.

"Hey, Worm," Sirius hummed. "You're friends with her, right? Can you put in a good word for me? Evans got me jack shit when she asked Nuna but maybe you're closer to her than she is."

"Hey! I'm friends with her too, y'know. Why not ask me?" Remus pouted. Sirius looks at him weirdly.

"Since when?"

Remus shrugged. "I didn't bug her as much as you do and I guess our paths just kind of crossed." James threw a pillow at the boy.

"If I hear one more stupid romance novel reference from you, I'm shoving a pillow up your tiny a—,"

"Okay!" Sirius yelled louder than James. "I'm hungry for some breakfast. Worm, how about you?"

"Famished," Peter awkwardly replied as the two Marauders pulled the other two out their dorm door.

———— ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ ————

"Again!" Nuna yelled. Regulus was panting on the ground of the Room of Requirements. His eyebrows furrowed and he bit his bottom lip in frustration.

"I told you, Nuna," Regulus panted, "I need my wand."

"You don't need it, Reggie. You want it. Those are two different things. De nouveau!" She mumbled a levitating spell under her breath making a chair fly towards the Slytherin boy. Instead of using his magic to stop the flying chair, he jumps to the left and dodges it, flying into a pile of junk. The chair crashes into a wall and broke into a million pieces, just like the other eight chairs Nuna had thrown before.

"You're going to kill me, Hollis," he panted.

She smirked. "That's what I'm aiming for."

Another chair appeared from above the boy and was heading directly towards him when he tumbled back and away from the projectile. Nuna stood on a large pile of old, rotten furniture looking down on the boy. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't having any fun. She felt powerful looking down at him.

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