Chapter eight

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Shela had been sitting in the library writing in her journal about everything that she had experienced especially with her suspicions about the voice she heard in her head. She hoped that she was wrong considering she hadn't spoken to that girl in years. It was like she had fallen off the earth, as Shela had been writing, Dean had entered the library and made his way over to Shela.

"Writing usually means you're stressed," Dean commented. Shela quickly closed her journal and turned around not wanting Dean to know about her suspicions.

"Um no, i'm not stressed," Shela said. "I'm just writing my novel,"

"Okay but I've been around you long enough to know when something is up, you wanna tell me what's going on?" Dean asked.

"Whaaaat," Shela said as her voice rose a couple octaves and that only happened when she had been lying. "Noo nothing is wrong I think you're just being paranoid," Shela laughed nervously.

"Alright honey, now I know you're lying," Dean responded giving her a look. Shela casually tried to slide her journal behind her.

"Why would I lie?" Shela said. "I never lie about anything you know that," Dean didn't respond and grabbed the journal she was hiding. Despite her protests, he opened it up.

"Dean, seriously, you shouldn't read that," Shela said as she tried to reach for it. "There's nothing in there but boring ideas for novels,"

"Then you won't mind if I read a few," Dean said holding the journal in the air so she could reach it.

"This is not fair! You're taller than me!" Shela exclaimed trying to jump for the journal, though Shela couldn't take it anymore and gave up. "Fine! Go ahead read it, not like you'll find anything interesting in it,"

"Whose Michelle and what's up with this Celeste chick?" Dean asked reading the first page he saw.

"No one important," Shela said as she snatched the book from Dean's hand. "And never touch my book again,"

"Okay so I can ask Kristina and she will tell me the same thing?" Dean asked. Shela sighed knowing it was useless to argue with Dean since he was going to be stubborn and how he wouldn't stop until he got the answers he'd been looking for.

"Okay, you've convinced me," Shela said regretting ever bringing Celeste and Michelle up. "They were ex friends of mine, Michelle Heber was a sixth grade friend who shipped me and Jonathan and Celeste was a friend I knew from first grade, she always told me what to do and bossed me around," Shela continued. "She tried to have me all to herself nearly tried to cut out one of my close friends and my little sister,"

"I'm going to kill those sorry sons of bitches!" Dean exclaimed.

"No, no killing, that won't solve anything," Shela said and the next day, Kristina wasn't expecting any visitors which surprised her when someone knocked on the bunker door at 8:00 in the morning.

"Yeah I can hear you and I swear if this is another prank, I'm going to make you fall in love with a virus," Kristina grumbled. As she walked down the stairs and towards the door, if there was anything she hated it was being woken up. The second she opened the door, her entire body froze.

"Hi Kristina," Maegan said. Kristina didn't even respond and just closed the door in her former friend's face. "Oh come on, a girl can't pay her old friend a visit?" Maegan asked, knocking on the door again.

"She can but we're not friends so goodbye," Kristina said through the door.

"Oh come on, I heard you got married," Maegan said but still Kristina didn't budge.

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