To Love

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If you could you would stay with Hugh. He made you feel wanted and loved, but it was all a dream. You didn't think about how you would leave him but instead focused on making him smile and happy. Most of the day inside the area Hugh had walked you around the garden and kingdom. Everything seemed perfect.

You had not crossed paths with Ji-Young yet, and you kind of hope you wouldn't. Hugh was a great ruler, it seemed, and when you got back to the palace there were meetings you both had to attend to, but because of the time skip, you got to skip the boring parts. Now, it was dark outside of the castle and the stars were out and shining. You were standing at a window in your room and looking out at the stars. You were happy and content with the dream, of course, the soft music was still playing and keeping you asleep. 

Arms wrapped around you and a chin rested on your head. You knew it was Hugh, and you relaxed in his arms and smiled a soft lazy smile. 

   " You're not in bed yet? "

   " I wanted to look at the stars before going to sleep. "

   " They are bright tonight. "

   " Very, and you can make connections between them and see the constellations. "

Hugh kissed the top of your head and started swaying left and right with you. You put your hands on top of his and let him over side to side. His cheek now rested on your head so the pressure from his chin wouldn't hurt you.

   " Let's head to bed, and sleep. Okay? When we wake up in the morning we can have pancakes shaped like clouds. "

   " Let's go. "

Hugh led you towards the bed and you laid down in your nightgown. You realized you were going to share a bed with a man. Your face turned a shade of red, and you hid your face in the blankets. Even if it was a dream it was still something new to you. The bed had shifted and you felt a weight beside you. 

The covers were slowly pulled from your face and you spotted Hugh's smile when the covers were taken from your eyes. He wrapped an arm around you and brought you close to him. You were laying on his chest and his head was laying atop yours. He tilted your head up and his green eyes shone brighter than the stars. 

   " Goodnight, princess. "

His lips enveloped yours, and his warm breath hit your face. His eyes were closed, and yours were widened from the kiss. Your heart was beating fast; his lips were so warm and soft, that it felt impossible to have them. Your eyes fluttered closed and you started kissing him back. To you, this kiss was your first, not including Ji-Youngs, but to Hugh, it wasn't. 

Hugh pulled away and his smile was brighter. He kissed your forehead and looked back into your eyes.

   " I'll never stop loving your lips. They're so beautiful. "

You wanted to pull him back into a kiss; you didn't want to stop kissing him. His lips were just so soft and it was your first kiss, so why not make it long? You grabbed his white nightshirt and pulled his lips down to yours. Once your lips connected your mind let go of everything and your heart started taking action. Hugh was surprised at first but, like you, melted into your lips.

He held your arms while yours balled his nightshirt between your hands. Your lungs started fighting to get air so you started sharing multiple kisses. You would let go of each other's lips and take two seconds to breathe before connecting again, making multiple kisses. You were starting to feel hot in your nightgown, but that didn't matter to you. You were having your first kiss, real or not, and you wanted to make it the best kiss you ever had. 

You didn't know Hugh for long, but in that short amount of time, he made you feel love. He made you feel everything that you wanted to feel in reality. He let you be yourself and he loved you for it. He didn't ask you to change or question your strange behavior. He didn't ask you to get things for him but instead got multiple things for you because he wanted to. 

   ' I love this man. '

Your hands let go of his shirt and started climbing his body until one caressed his neck while the other tugged on his silver hair. His hand went to your lower waist and pulled you closer to him. One of his hands left your low waist and tilted your head, and starting a french kiss. The kisses were getting smaller and smaller until eventually you both shared one last kiss and gazed at each other. Your breaths were hot and heavy. 

   " I love you, so so much Y/n. "

   "I love you too Hugh. "

Hugh hugged you to his body and held you while he fell into a deep sleep. You knew that once you closed your eyes it would be morning so you stayed awake, running your hands through his hair. Meanwhile, Ji-Young was sitting in your garden and was staring at a square portal in front of him. He had just seen what you did with Hugh and he was anything but happy. He wanted to jump through the portal and grab you, but he couldn't.

   " I need to get stronger. I will not have this! It looks like I'll have to start my plan now instead of later. I wasn't expecting her to love someone else. "

He stood from his seat and started walking into the palace. The walls around him glitched a little here and there and revealed more modern things. Ji-Young knew what was going on and he loved it. He was finally breaking through the barriers of your mind. 

To Sleep or to Be Awake ( Yandere Dream Demon x Reader )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant