"You could have helped me up you know," Hunter mumbles, taking his seat again.

All she does is shrug, eating the fries from Hunter's plate.


"Leigh! Mike is here!" Leigh's little sister shouts from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" She shouted before going down the stairs.

"Hi Mike," she says taking a seat on the couch away from him.

"Why you sitting so far away from me bubbles?" He asks.

"Don't bubbles me, I'm mad at you," she says folding my arms, crossing my legs on the couch.

"What'd I do?" he asks cluelessly.

'The way you and Hunter were acting was childish," she says agitated.

"Wat so it's my fault, what, is Hunter innocent," he says defensively

"Chill the fuck out okay, I talked to Hunter, now I'm talking to you, that's why I said you and Hunter, not just you," she says sternly.

"Yeah right," he scoffs.

"What do you mean yeah right?" She asks him folding her arms.

"I mean that you will always pick his side clause he's your best friend." He says putting quotes on best friend.

"Why did you put quotes on best friend?" she asks raising her brow.

"I mean what I said," he says with a shrug.

"You know what, I'm not even in the mood for your shit, you know the way out," she says getting up.

"Stop stop," he says holding her wrist, letting out a huff.

"Look I'm sorry okay, I was just jealous of Hunter okay, there I said it, you two are so close it makes me jealous," he confesses.

"Come on Mike, you don't have to be jealous of Hunter, I like you, not Hunter," Kayleigh says taking a seat next to Mike.

"Yeah, I know, but I have a question for you," he says turning to her.

"Ask away," she says.

"And I need you to be completely honest with me," he says holding out his pinky.

"I promise," she says hooking their fingers

"Has something ever happened between you and Hunter?" He asks.

Kayleigh let out huff, "yes," she mumbles.

"What?" Mike asks.

"Yes okay, I kissed Hunter once," she says making Mike rub his forehead in frustration. "But I was drunk, and so was he, I don't think it meant anything."

"You don't think Kayleigh?" Mike asks in disbelief.

"Look, at least on my side, it meant nothing, it was just a kiss," she clarifies.

"Oh yeah, is that the only thing that happened between you?" he asks.

"Yeah, I promise," she says.

"Okay, I trust you," he says.


I'm confused.

I really like Mike, but I've only know him for a few months and I feel like something kinda fishy is going on. There's just something fishy about his behaviour. I will figure it out soon.

On the other hand, there's Hunter. I don't really know how I feel about him. I have to confess, I had a crush on Hunter in middle school, but as I got older, I watched his girlfriend's and I knew I didn't stand a chance. I mean, I'm not insecure about myself or anything, hell no, I'm drop dead gorgeous but I'm just not his type. Once I realized that, I suppressed my feelings for him and eventually got over my feelings for him.

Or that's at least what I think.

Fuck, why is shit so complicated.

A/N: hey cutiesHope you like the chapter

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A/N: hey cuties
Hope you like the chapter.
Thanks you for the votes and comments, really love em🖤😣🥺
Love y'all a shit load.

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