Chapter 19: Answers

Start from the beginning

Startled, I moved towards his bed and sat just next to him.

"My Lord?" I asked. "My Lord, can you hear me?"

There was no answer, but he opened his eyes. They looked feverish and absent. At first I panicked. Seeing this powerful man in a state like that was terrifying, but then I remembered the cut I've noticed on his sleeve some time ago. Could the wound be more serious, than he thought? I put my candle on the bedside table and examined his arm. It has been bandaged, so I had to remove the stripes of cloth. Looking at the small cut I started shaking. It was infected. Very infected. With poison. Black lines surrounded it, spreading to the rest of the body like a spider web.

Trying to keep a cool mind I stood up. I needed to call for help. The healers had to see that.

I almost ran out of the king's bedroom, calling for guards. They came fast, together with Legolas, who was fully armed and on duty, probably searching for mysterious intruders all night. I explained the situation to him quickly, and he send one of his men to find an elvish doctor, then rushed to see his father. I ran after him, scared, aching and trying to understand what was happening and why.

Somehow I was sure my ring knew exactly what was wrong with Thranduil, but for some reason all information I was getting was the stubbornly repeated word blood.

One thing was certain, however. It was those dark creature's fault. But what were they?

The healer came almost immediately and started working his magic. I didn't understand what the man did, but although the ache decreased the monarch didn't seem to feel better at all. I was sitting in one of the armchairs, nervous and close to panic. The damn stone replied blood to every question I asked.

"Hiril vuin." I heard, and looked up. Legolas stood before me, his face sour. "The poison is unknown to us. There is nothing the healer can do." He said, and I could see it was hard for him to speak. "You should prepare for the worst." It became hard to breathe. Oh gods, we were going to die!

Blood! I heard the ring again. Its tones became nagging. I covered my eyes with my hand.

"I understand." I said, my voice barely a whisper. It couldn't end like that, just couldn't. There had to be a cure. What were those creatures for all gods' sake?! And what did the ring want with that blood? Did it mean that the creatures could poison blood? Was that its warning? But I knew that already, why repeat it? I needed to talk with that stupid piece of jewellery and fast.

"If you wish to sleep..." He started, but I shook my head. It was a late night, but I wasn't able to leave the room. I was afraid, that if I went to sleep elsewhere neither of us would wake up again.

"I will stay here." I said firmly.

"As you wish Hiril vuin." He said and walked away, giving orders in elvish. Well, he almost ruled the kingdom now.

I closed my eyes. Come on, ring. Let's talk. Please.

I waited and waited, but nothing was happening. Finally, disappointed I opened my eyes, and saw the king looking at me. He seemed conscious. I stood up, and approached the bed, then sat on it beside him.

"You are here." He remarked, his voice hoarse and quiet.

I forced myself to smile.

"It's my turn to rummage through your wardrobe My Lord." I joked. The corner of his mouth went up.

"You are welcome to rummage through anything you wish" He replied. I snorted.

"I'll keep that in mind in case you decide to steal something from me again." I retorted.

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