Episode 10: Slowly, Step by Step

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After the tragedy, the servants immediately got ready to clean up the mansion.

Some maids who were injured as a result of being involved in the Beast's battle couldn't move immediately, but with their resilience, they eventually recovered quickly and started working again.

According to Yuria, they were actually dead person who were then given vampire blood by his grandfather. Hence, it seemed that their existence was close to immortality despite being weak to sunlight and silver.

"Well, just as I thought."

I wiped the bloodstain in the secret room and then wiped the sweat that covered my forehead. Later, I learned that most of the blood in here belongs to Yuria.

"I almost got killed for the first time."

Yuria, who was still resting on his bed, said that while shrugged his shoulders. It seemed that he hadn't fully recovered and was still regenerating.


The next evening. I stopped by the kitchen and then visited Yuria's room.

"Yuria. I brought you milk porridge."

Yuria, who was still on his bed, immediately covered his face with his blanket when he saw me.

"Thank you very much. If you put it in there, I'll eat it by myself."

I heard his muffled voice. Well, it doesn't mean I'll be okay though, even if I don't see his face. I sat on the chair near the bed with a wry smile.

"Shut up. Get the blanket off your face and get up quickly."



Yuria popped out from under his blanket with hesitation. When he got up, I scooped up the porridge with a spoon and brought it to his mouth.

"Here. Open your mouth."

"....Let's dig in."

It was a quiet evening. The setting sun shone through the window.

It was Yuria who opened the curtains. After all, the people in the mansion couldn't come to a place filled with sunlight.

"What do you think? Is it delicious?"

"Yes. Very delicious."

Yuria sipped the porridge from the spoon like a puppy.

"....I was just thinking. Did your food follow your mother? Or your father?"

"I don't understand?"

"For example, vampire food is blood. I just wonder if we can consider this milk porridge as food."

"Hehe, vampires don't suck blood."

"Eh? They don't suck?"

"A behavior that is considered as an act of sucking blood is actually a way to pouring the ingredients in saliva to another party. Then, the other party――the dead person――can get the same immortality like a vampire. It's not a food, it's an act of making a 'servant'."

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