“See you tonight?” Ashton asked, trying not to look hopeful.

“Yeah, pick me up.”

Calum always wondered where Ashton went when he dropped him off at school. Probably to go do drugs again to forget about some things. Nobody else knew that it was to forget, they just thought it was for his entertainment.

He turned around and made his way into the school. He was at a public school because his parents said it was ‘a good way to mix with the less fortunate.’ He didn’t care; he never learnt anything either way.

He sat in the chair of his homeroom and waited, still trying to finish the last of his banana smoothie. He figured he probably should go say hey to his girlfriend, because that would be a nice thing to do, but he didn’t want to. He still felt like shit. He knew he’d probably have to go and throw-up soon.

“Shut up, street-rat.” Calum pulled his head out of his hand and looked over to where Jeremy – one of the guys from the soccer team – was sneering at that Clifford kid in the hallway.

“Go fuck yourself, mate; nobody’s going to do it for you.” Clifford snapped, then walked away, leaving Jeremy kind of surprised because he never usually stood up for himself.

As he was walking past the doorway, his eyes landed on Calum. They stared at each other for a while and Calum noticed that the Clifford kid had some emotion portrayed that he couldn’t quite figure out. He looked kinda sad, really, but also a little scared. The rich boy shrugged, figuring it was just something about scaring him the night before.

To: ashtray

Please try not to get high today. If ur sad just talk to me.

From: ashtray

Ur in school and theres a fucking unicorn here

From: ashtray


From: ashtray

Update: it was just a guy in a suit

Calum sighed, figuring he was in the process of getting high or drunk or both. He acted the same way in both situations. Except there were rare occasions when he acted sober but serious and it confused the fuck out of people.

Something swirled in the highschooler’s stomach and he stood up, sprinting to the toilets just as the bell rang. He wasn’t sure what was worse; him throwing up or him smelling the scent of stale piss. He shakily stood up, looking himself in the mirror.

To: ashtray

R u high or drunk?

From: ashtray

About to be. Why


To: ashtray

Come pick me up


He went back into his homeroom, telling the teacher he needed to go to the front office and stay in the sick room because he’d just thrown up everywhere. She nodded, pretending to care. He walked to the carpark and waited for his friend.

“Hey,” he smiled as he got into the sports-car.


They didn’t speak at all when Ash started to drive again. Then he noticed that they were heading further and further away from where they usually went. He also noticed that the older guy’s eyes were getting glassy.

Rich Bitch // malum & lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now