~skip to almost 4 hours later~ 

(btw i have no idea how far canada would be from michigen on a road trip but im guessing its pretty far)

its almost been 4 hours and im so bored. sab and cooper are cuddling in the back,ugh so unfair. making me feel more single than i already do. dev is also alseep next to them. zack and i have been doing some small talk but i started getting tired. its dark outside so there wasnt insane traffic but then again everyones getting away for the summer so its understandable if we do run into some.

i was in the middle of a highway,emmis car was infront of mine. we were traveling quite close to each other since we didnt want to get pushed away from each other if traffic does form. this highway is known for that. based on experience, trust me.

we were driving quite fast. and we saw a car coming in our direction.. 

it got closer and wouldnt stop. 

i realised that the car wasnt even suppost to come this direction.

'NO' i heard zack yell

it all happened so fast. 

last thing i remember is emmis car getting hit really hard. i heard something blow and she swerved our way. i heard dev scream before everything went black. 

the impact caused my car to spin and flip over.

i woke up seconds after but everything was blurry. i couldnt even hear. it was like a ringing in my ear .

 i snapped back to reality. 

it was zack. he was pulling me out of the car.

i was laying on the floor facing my car.

holy shit. it looked horrible. the side i was sitting on got destroyed,even the back seats.

oh no dev. and sab. and cooper.

i tryed to get up but i screamed in pain. i couldnt. 

 i need to help them. 

the car was smoking so it could catch on fire any minute.

i just saw zack running over to me with dev in his arms. he set her next to me and soon did the same with sab and cooper. cooper was conscious like me but dev and sab wasnt.

everything was happening so quick.

i heard screaming and other people coming over to help.

thats when i remember. emmis car. emmi. and the rest of the guys.

i couldnt get up. i was still laying on the ground half conscious. 

i sat up screaming in pain. i felt pain everywhere. and my face was bleeding.

i looked over at emmis car.

 no. it was all the way on the other side of the highway.but i could still see it good enough.

the front and the right side was hit really hard.

where are they. 

why cant i see them get out the car.

i screamed for someone to go help them. i was in so much pain

i felt like i was the only one there. i had to get up. i couldnt just stare at the car it started to catch on fire.

 i somehow get up screaming in pain. i try so hard to run over there but after a few steps i fell to the ground crying in pain. 'NOO!' is all i could say. 

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