S o u l m a t e 🥺

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Ashanti Renèe Robinson, NY📍

"Alright bae I'm out." I said giving Jay a kiss before walking out the door. I'm going out today with Jo'nae for a girls day. It's well deserved!

I got in the car and drove off to the house.

I miss it here. I thought as I pulled into the drive way.

I used my key I still had to open the front door. I walked in and saw Demarcus at the table on his phone.

"Whatchu doin in here?" I asked him.

"Thinking, you goin out with her today right?" He asked.

"Yea we'll be back." I walked over to her room door and she was putting on her shoes.

"Hey boo." I said walking in.

"Look at you all pregnant and shit." She said laughing.

"You ready?"

"Yea. Let's go I'm so stressed out girl oh my fuckin god you don't understand." We took her bag off the dresser and walked out the room. We past Demarcus as we left out the house.

"Be safe." He yelled.

"Shut up." Jo'nae said before shutting the door.

"You so petty."

"Fuck him. He really had the audacity!"

We got in the car and drove to the mall. As soon as we parked the car we noticed a black car with tinted windows sitting right by the door. I don't know exactly why but I keep getting drawn to that car. We had to walk past it to go into the mall and I felt nothing but bad vibes. I shock them off because it's Jo'naes moment right now and she needs me here.

"Where you wanna go first?" I asked her. "We got a minimum of four stores before ms.girl in here starts acting up." She laughed.

"Let's go to Victoria Secret." I gave her a look.

"I thought you was mad at o boy."

"Girl shut up!" She said playfully pushing my arm. "I am mad at him it's not for him it's for me. I wanna look good for myself."

"I know that's right. Well let's go." We made our way to Victoria Secret. Jo'nae was in there acting the fuck up! She was goin all out! I started to doubt that it was really for herself.

"Ou girl look at this!" She said holding up a red lingerie set. "This would look so good on you. And your skin complex-"

"Girl can you let me get this baby out first before you try settin me up to have another one!" I said cutting her off. I took the lingerie from her and put it back on the table.

"Take a picture and show it to Jay."

"Hell nah! Don't give him any ideas." We laughed as we walked to checkout.

Once we were done paying we left and headed to the other stores. We were finished shopping. I got some stuff for my baby girl and Jo'nae did to. She went on to get outfits and stuff. Trying them on and getting my opinion. Jo'nae is a bad bitch and look good in anything! All that shopping caused us to get hungry. I texted Jay & Demarcus to let him know that we were okay. Even though we all still share locations he wanted us to text him.

We walked into the food court and I had this terrible feeling like something bad was about to happen. I stopped in my tracks when I felt eyes on me. I looked to my left and saw the same dude that we had seen at the mall the first time I came here. The same dude that Jay threatened. I pulled Jo'nae by her arm and we walked out.

"What happened girl, I was hungry."

"Not here Jo'nae we can eat out somewhere else. But not he-"

"Where you goin luh ma." I was cut off by the familiar voice. I turned around and saw the him standing there. He was big. Bigger than us.

"I just want to ask you some questions." He said approaching us.


Jo'nae Mariè Andrews, NJ📍

"Stay away from us the fuck is you doin?" I said as the dude kept approaching Ashanti and I. We kept backing up until we backed into a foot stool that sat in the lobby of the mall.

He grabbed Ashanti by her neck for her to met his eyes and I punched him in his face. He let her go to hold his eye.

"Run Ashanti come on." I said grabbing the bags from her hands.


Jay'shawn Lawson, NJ📍

I was in the car getting ready to pull up to the mall. I had a bad gut feeling. I ain't want nothing happening to Ashanti, the baby, or Jo'nae. I called up Demarcus to meet me at the mall. Once I pulled up he was waiting there for me.

"How the fuck you get her so fast?" I asked him as I got out.

"I was already close." We looked around the parking lot and noticed the OP car sitting outside by the entrance. We both put our guns on our waistband under our hoodies before we walked in.


Jo'nae Mariè Andrews, NJ📍

As we ran I could tell Ashanti was having a hard time. I grabbed her side and hurried behind. Just then I heard gunshots rang out through the mall. Bullets were passing me. Everyone started to scream and run.

I felt three burning stings on my side. "Ashanti go!" I yelled pushing her towards the stair case. It was a small area where she could sit that would protect her.

"I'm not leaving you!" She yelled back at me over the screaming.

"Ashanti go! I'm going to be okay!" She dragged me along with her to the staircase where we hid. We saw the guy's feet run past us as we sat there. Ashanti looked over at me and moved my hand from my side.

"Jo'nae you got hit." She said in a loud whisper. I was in a lot of pain.

"Your losing a lot of blood." She said crying. She took off sweater and pressed it down on the gunshot wounds. "You're going to be okay, boo just breath." I could hear her voice as I try to control my breathing. I felt myself going in and out of darkness.

"Ashanti," I said weakly. I watched my bestfriend cry and beg for me to stay wake before my eyelids close completely.

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