"So, dad's having a welcome home party for Beast at the bar tonight. I really don't want to go, but everyone will be there and he said that you could come too."

"Yes," Molly says and I chuckle.

"That was a fast answer."

"I want to go. Where else are we going to be let into a bar before we're 21?"

"They'll always let us in there. We just can't drink alcohol."

"I'm in either way."

"Ugh! I guess we can go then," I say, leaning back in my chair.

"Yay! Let's get ready at my house."

"I just have to swing by at home to pick out some clothes first."

Molly is not a party girl and neither am I. I can dance and have fun, but as far as drunken men goes, I'm keeping my distance. And I'm with Liam anyway, remember?

"Hi, Katie. I thought you we're going to Molly?" mom says when I walk through the door.

"I am. Just picking up some clothes for tonight."

"Oh! Hi, Molly," mom says when Molly walks in behind me.

"Hi, Mrs. Donovan."

"When are you going to learn to call me Ellie," she says, smiling at her and she shrugs her shoulders. "So, you're coming to the bar tonight?"

"Yeah, but just for a while. We won't be staying long," I say and walk up the stairs.

When we're upstairs, jerkface 1 and 2, aka Jake and Colin, are sitting in the TV room playing CoD.

"Sup, cuz. Hi, Molls," Colin says, wiggling his eyebrows at her, making her blush a little.

I take a pillow from the couch and throw at him, making him drop his controller.

"Hey!" he says and picks it up from the floor.

"Stop trying to hit on her."

"She won't be able to say no to me when I'm back from the Army. I'll be Beast II when I'm done."

I roll my eyes at him and we walk into my room and slam the door behind us.

Colin and Jake are hung up on becoming Predators too, to Amy and mom's despair. They work out at the clubhouse from time to time when they're not playing CoD or are out with friends. Colin, who just turned 17, is set on joining the Army next year like the rest of them have, and Jake has 3 years left. He's not happy about that. Colin thinks that he's 'the man', becoming a biker. I couldn't care less, but I guess this is normal to me.

"So, what do you wear to a biker bar?" Molly asks.

We've been friends since preschool, but she's never been interested in the biker life or judged me for what dad does. She knows some, like the rest of the town, but I've never brought her to the clubhouse and it's not like I talk about what they do. Members and family only. She treats me like a 'normal' person and I'm glad about that.

I've never had that many friends. I don't like fake people and some of the parents didn't want their kids to play with me when I was younger because they we're afraid of my dad.


I've always had Molly, though...and Nate even if he's older and annoying. Now I have Ivy too. We go to the same college and met there. She's more of an emo kind of girl with black and purple hair and piercings, but me and Molly don't care. She's nice and at least she's not fake. She's just herself and doesn't care about what anyone else think. When I told her that my dad runs an MC, all she said was, "Cool."

"Well, I think I'm going to wear black ripped jeans and," I look through my closet, then pick something up and grin, "a black lace body."

"You think your dad will approve of that?"

"Hell no, but he won't see it until I'm there and then it's too late."

"Do you think that's such a good idea? He'll drive you straight back home to change."

"If he does, I won't come back, so he has no choice if he wants me there. I never get to wear it anyway and going to the bar fits great. I'll be wearing more clothes than the Sweet butts anyway," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Sweet butts? Don't tell me it's a stripper bar," Molly says a little nervous.

"No, there're no strippers, only hang arounds. You know, like groupies that want a piece of the bikers and wear as little clothes as possible. Like Candy and Mandy or whatever their names are, at school."

She laughs. "You mean Tessa and Vanessa?"

"Yeah! Don't worry, though, you're there with me and dad won't let anyone mess with us. I can kick their asses too if needed," I say, grinning.

Not that I'm a violent person or have ever hit someone. I haven't needed to either since Nate always did that for me.

"I bet you will," Molly says, smiling.

We drive back to hers and get ready. I wear a little more makeup than usual. Just a little mascara, thin eyeliner and lip gloss. I curl my already wavy hair lightly. We call a cab and I put on my black leather jacket.

We're arriving a little late since I didn't plan for us to stay that long. The bar is at full swing and hard rock music is heard from inside.

"Are you sure about this?" Molly says a little worried when we stand outside the bar.

"Don't worry, they're not as scary as they seem," I say, smiling.

We walk inside and all heads turn to us. I might keep my jacket on for a while because I'm suddenly not that sure about if the lace body was a good choice anymore, but it covers most of my boobs anyway.

We walk over to dad and the guys table in the corner where mom and Amy also are sitting.

"Hi, Princess. Glad you made it," dad says and stands up and hugs me.

"Yeah, we're not staying that long, though."

We sit down at the table next to theirs so we can talk to them. We order a Shirly Temple each. We've been drinking some alcohol at Ivy's place, but I can't now when my whole family is here...at dad's bar. Ivy lives at the college dorm, just as Liam does, so we don't get disturbed by any annoying parents there. I've been taking it easy, though.

I carefully take my jacket off, hoping that dad won't see what I'm wearing, but of course he does.

"What the hell are you wearing?" he says, angrily. "Put that fucking jacket back on or I'll drive you home to change."

I just roll my eyes at him and mom tries to calm him down.

"I'm wearing more than most girls here, dad. And if you drive me home, I won't come back and I won't talk to you for a week."

He crosses his arms over his chest and huffs.

I know how to get to him. Even if I mostly listen to him, he knows that I'm just as stubborn as he is. And me not talking to him for a week, would kill him. I'm still his little girl and no matter how annoying he is, he still wants to talk to me every day and know how my day has been. He's a great dad when he's not being an overprotective brute.

"Eyes up here," he says sternly to the prospects a table over and point to his eyes.

"Yes, Prez."

"Ugh!" I take a sip of my drink and see Molly chuckling. "You see what I have to put up with all the time."

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