Chapter 2

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"So, what do you think?" Amy asks me with a smirk and snaps me out of my daydreaming.

"About what?" I say, not knowing what they've been talking about.

"About Nate being home and being 'Beast'."

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. It's not like we were that close before he left."

"Oh, come on. Me and your mom always thought you two would end up together."

"What!" I say confused. Have they been planning my future already? Have I missed something? "He's annoying and always teases me. Why would I be with him?"

"Because that's what boys do when they like you," she says with a 'duh' kind of tone.

"No, he doesn't," I say a little nervous.

"Maybe not anymore, but you've been filling out in the right places too and you're hot, girl. But he totally did before he left. Why do you think that he always had your back and watched over you?"

"Because he's like the rest of them in this crazy family, overprotective and annoying," I say back with a 'duh' kind of tone. "And I'm with Liam anyway."

"Until your dad kills him and you have to go and cry in Beast's arms," she teases.

I roll my eyes at her and sigh. "Well, I have to be more careful seeing him from now on. Why the hell did he have to be at school just when I hugged him? I should've gone away to a different college where I could live on my own."

Mom puts the knife down on the counter and turns to me with sad eyes. "You wouldn't leave me, would you?"

"No, not now, but I'm going to eventually...maybe."

I really didn't want to move away just yet. Even if dad is annoying and controlling, I love him and my crazy family. I didn't want to leave Molly either. She's my best friend and we wanted to go to the same college, but if dad won't let me have some kind of freedom and meet guys, I might have to move after I've graduated.

"Not if you become Beast's old lady," Amy says, wiggling her eyebrows again.

"Ugh! You're hopeless," I say and stand up and walk towards the stairs. "I'm going to call Molly. She's the only sane person in my life."

"So dramatic," Amy says and they chuckle.

"Hi, Molls."

"Hi, Kates. What's up?"

"I just need a break from my family. I thought that mom was the only sane person here, but it turns out that she's been planning my future husband already."

"What!" she says, laughing. "Who?"

"Nate...or Beast as he's called nowadays."

"Oh, but he's kind of hot what I recall, right?"

I sigh and fall back on my bed. "That's not the point. He just came back and he's still annoying, calling me Shorty. Liam called and said that dad had threatened him, so we have to be even more careful from now on. He's destroying my life."

"So, I guess that you're not seeing Liam tomorrow then?"

"No, we have to lay low for a while. I'm sure dad have spies everywhere."

"Why don't we hang out tomorrow then? You can sleep at my house."

"Yes, thank you, thank you."

She chuckles at me.

"I just have shooting practice tomorrow morning and then I'll be over."

Neither mom or dad lets me have a gun, for obvious reasons, but dad insists on me being able to use one just in case. I know where they keep their guns at the clubhouse and I know the code to the door in case something would happen. I practice at the clubhouse inside shooting range with Gunner, Nates dad. He's gun crazy. He knows every weapon there is, old and new. That's why he's in charge of the guns and that's why his road name is Gunner.

The Iron Predators, Part II [SAMPLE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz