Chapter 21 - Mudblood and Furry Friends

Start from the beginning

Draco's smug face flickered. "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood," he spat.

That caused an uproar. Flint had dived in front of Malfoy to stop Fred and George from jumping on him; Alicia shrieked from the strands, "How dare you!" Angelina and Katie were yelling insults at the Slytherins. Betelgeuse hardened her stare. That little spoiled snake needed to learn a lesson.

But it was Ron that pulled out his wand, yelling, "you'll pay for that one, Malfoy!"

They heard a loud bang around the pitch, and a jet of green light shot out of the wrong end of Ron's wand, sending him stumbling back onto the grass. Betelgeuse observed as Hermione rushed to the boy's side. Ron opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. The Black heir saw the boy give an intense belch and several slugs dribbled out of his mouth onto his lap.

The Slytherin team were paralyzed with laughter. Flint was doubled up, hanging onto his new broomstick for support. Malfoy was on all fours, pounding the ground with his fist. The Gryffindors were gathered around Ron, but nobody appeared to want to touch him. Betelgeuse saw Harry and Hermione help him up, speeding off the field.

Betelgeuse grimaced, she had not rushed over to Ron, so she was fairly close to the Slytherin team. She diverted her gaze from where Ron had been a few moments prior. She turned, staring down at Draco with a glare so intense that made him shut his mouth. "I did not know Narcissa had raised such a disgrace to the Pureblood Polite Society as you," she stated with a deadly calm voice, silencing even Flint. "To address someone with such a degrading obscenity means to sink to an, even more, lower level than those you want to abuse with that slur. I expected so much more from you, cousin," she finished, making Draco flinch at the mockery tone she used to address their kinship.

Finally, the young Malfoy was released from her mercury glare. Betelgeuse scanned the faces of the Slytherin team one last time. They were all cautious around the Black. She was a Gryffindor, but a Black nonetheless. Then, she turned and walked away towards the twins.


It was Saturday night, Betelgeuse had already finished her assignments for Monday, and everyone was relaxing in the Gryffindor Common Room. George and Lee have been playing Exploding Snaps for an hour, hollering every time a card exploded in their hands, making some first-years nearby giggle.

Angelina and Alicia had gone to the girls' dorm to help Katie move her things with them. Betelgeuse had suggested the idea to Katie that afternoon since there was a free bed in their dorm. The third-year had been elated.

Betelgeuse has perched herself on one of the comfy ottomans near the fireplace, reading a letter from home. She was so engrossed in her reading that she did not see Fred approach, but then a pair of hands covered her eyes. She stilled, annoyed.

"Guess who," came the goofy voice of someone behind her.

Betelgeuse pulled the hands away from her eyes and turned to the boy behind her, raising an eyebrow. "You are so childish, Fred."

Fred just grinned, poking her cheek. "You love it, Bel," he cheekily replied, making Betelgeuse roll her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Fred asked her, taking a seat on the armrest. "Ah! The proud Slytherin, yes, yes. I'm surprised he hasn't sent you a howler yet."

"Thank Morgana," Betelgeuse chuckled with Fred.

It was nearing midnight, there were few students left in the Common Room. Betelgeuse's dorm mates had already gone to bed, and so had Lee. The Black had debated with herself about telling the twins about her newly acquired ability. It was time.

"Fred, George," she called, gaining their attention. "I need to show you something, but we need a more private setting."

The twins gazed at each other, then to her, nodding. "Wait!" George exclaimed as they headed to the portrait hole, he changed direction and went up to his dorm. Betelgeuse saw him re-emerge shortly after with parchment in hand. The Marauder's Map.

They have been walking through the left corridor on the seventh floor, when Betelgeuse spotted a door she had never seen before, opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy.

"George," she called, furrowing her eyebrows. "What is this room?" She asked, approaching the door cautiously.

George looked down at the map. "The Map doesn't show anything here!" He exclaimed bewildered.

"What?!" Fred interjected, snatching it from his brother's grasp.

"How curious," Betelgeuse mused, opening the massive door. She peered inside and frowned. She had thought about a simple room, with carpets and cushions where they could relax before she had seen the mysterious door. And that was what she saw in the strange room.

The twins followed her inside, looking around the room.

"How come the Marauders did not put this room on the map?" George asked his friends.

"BLOODY HELL!" Fred yelled, startling George and Betelgeuse. "Look! We are not on the map!" He pointed to the parchment with wide eyes. Betelgeuse peered down to the parchment; their names had disappeared from it.

"Wicked," George exhaled.

"It is as the room has appeared from thin air," Betelgeuse mused out loud. "I was thinking about a quiet room where we could stay undisturbed."

"It's a secret room, even the Marauders did not find it," Fred exclaimed.

"Or they could not plot it on the map," Betelgeuse reasoned. "Maybe it is a magical room that appears only to those who need it the most." She shrugged as George and Fred sat on the fluffy cushions scattered on the floor.

"Bel, what did you want to show us?" George asked, intrigued.

"Before I do anything, can you two promise me you will never disclose what you will witness to a single soul?" Betelgeuse questioned in a grave voice. She saw the twins exchange a look, then they only nodded.

Betelgeuse sighed, then she began to think about the beautiful cat she observed in the mirror back at home. While she transformed, she heard George yelp as he fell backwards. Fred could only stare at the spot where she had been with shocked open eyes.

"What — How — Y-you —," George tried to say, only succeeding in uttering uncomprehensive words. Betelgeuse moved towards them, jumping on a cushion. She stared at Fred with cat-like grey eyes.

"Bel?" Fred tentatively asked. Betelgeuse nodded, curling her long black tail around herself. "Can you change back?" Betelgeuse did as ask, causing George to fall a second time from the cushion. 

"Merlin's beard, give us a warming first, woman!" He bellowed.

Betelgeuse threw her head back, laughing.

"How did you manage to —" Fred inquired.

"I had a valid help at home," Betelgeuse replied secretively. "Please, do not tell anybody about what you just saw. I could be thrown into Azkaban."

"What?!" George asked with bulging eyes.

"I am an unregistered Animagus, George," Betelgeuse calmly explained.

"You have just reached a new level of wickedness, Bel." Fred laughed with his twin.

The three friends continued talking till the early hours of the morning, bathing in the comfort they provided one another. They did not even realise they had fallen asleep in the mysterious room.


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