2. Mrs. Plot twist and the Trojan horse

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Giselle's POV

We woke up and reunited downstairs.

"Good morning children, as I explained yesterday, you will have a battle. By now everyone knows their team right?" Jewel, Cass's mom asked.

'Yes, mam." We answered.

"A couple of things were left out, you will be making DIY soap. The team that makes more wins!" She affirmed.

"What about the information we needed to get from the opposite team?" Haya asked.

"Oh, don't worry about it, you shall get it soon. Now the soap won't go to waste, of course, we all know that the Lombardi family has a soap business, it means every soap you make will be on the shop alright?" She asked.

"Yes, mam." We responded.

"Okay let's get started, everyone has the  utensils in their base." She stated.

We were running like crazy to get to our bases before the forest team.

Once there we had Owen to help us not mess it up.

"Okay let's get started, first things first, wash your hands and put the jacket on and the gloves too, we don't want paint on ourselves." He said.

We washed our hands and got our jacket on.

"Now that you're clean and paint proof, you may choose your designs out of the list of designs we make." He ordered.

As I look through the pages I see a lot of beautiful designs, some looked like flowers, drinks, or even food.

I choose to make some cupcakes because why not.

We were 20 in total, 10 in this house and the other 10 in the senior house, we could make per hour 10 soap bars per person, which means that in one hour we would have 200 soap bars.

Everything was going well for my team, we already had 100  soap bars ready and packed to be sent to the store.

Alice who was next to me was making watermelon soap bars.

"Hey, Giselle, check this out." She said.

I looked at the lovely square in front of me.

You could smell the strong and sweet scent of it.

"Oh dear, umm, it smells amazing." I moaned.

"It smells so good, I wonder if it tastes too?" She asked herself.

I raised my eyebrow and laughed.

We kept making our delightful bars until it was melting time.

I went to the storage and grabbed more clear, unscented bars of soap.

I got my heating pan and started melting my bars.

After melting I put it in different containers and added colors and scents to the soap.

After making my base I got my piping bag and filled the top.

We were doing pretty good at our normal pace until we heard that the forest team had picked up their pace and were coming for us.

We, genius instead of working harder we were working smarter.

In the beginning, we were making the normal batch that would give us 10 bars per person, so we decided to double the batch.

Now we have 20 bars per person and 400 bars per hour.

It's been 3 hours since the challenge started and we already had 600 soap bars in total, now that we double it up we may expect more than 1200 bars and 1800 in total.

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