Year 1- Roanna

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Today I finally get to go back to living in my dormitory. I won't be released until lunch, but that means I'll be forced to eat breakfast. I have been forced to eat breakfast every morning for the past month. I'm still ahead in my classes, I'm actually breezing through all my lessons. I've been given lesson plans from several units before my classmates. It wasn't ideal, to be so far ahead of my classmates, but it was the only way my professors could think of keeping me learning without redoing everything I had already done.

"So, you're the girl my brothers won't stop babbling on about?" A familiar yet cruel voice sounded off from the doors.

"Roanna. So? What's it matter to you?"

"You're a mudblood and a Gryffindor. You have no right to put impure thoughts in Draco's head. To try and ruin our pure ancestry."

"I can't help what magic has decided."

"You're a liar. Just like your brother. Just like your parents."

"My father is your head of house!"

"You wish. Honestly, I doubt he would ever take in a disgusting mudblood like you."

"Miss Malfoy, that's enough. Leave my daughter alone. Or I will be forced to take points and write to your mother."

"Professor Snape. You don't understand. It isn't Cassi. It's a filthy mudblood putting impure thoughts into Draco's head. Trying to destroy my family's bloodline."

"If you must know, Cassi is also of what you call impure blood. I'm a halfblood, not that it should matter. Ally's mother was a muggleborn, which no matter what my blood status, Ally would always be a halfblood. Your attitude towards my daughter, both my daughters, must change before summer holiday."

"Professor, how could you have been a Slytherin, if you are a halfblood? Slytherins are only the purest." Roanna sassed.

"Miss Malfoy, your house isn't because of blood status. Malfoys, sadly, are sorted because of their name. Something I have been talking to Dumbledore about. If you noticed, Orion does not possess Slytherin traits. He is too submissive."

"Don't speak ill of my brother. He does what he has to. He is a Malfoy. He is a Slytherin by blood."

"If that is so, why was my daughter, half lion half snake, why was she almost a Hufflepuff? Or Cassi, fully related to Slytherins, almost put into Ravenclaw?"

"Dad, it isn't worth it. Can I just have my morning class work? I don't want to deal with petty rich people crap."

"Allyson, Miss Weasley is bringing it to you when you get out of the hospital wing. You just rest. I'm going to take Miss Malfoy here to Dumbledore's office."

"Okay, dad."

"Sir! That isn't fair. I didn't do anything wrong." Roanna protested.

"Bullying of a student, especially one of my children, will not be tolerated. Even from a pureblood or Slytherin."

With much protest from Roanna, dad led her out. I let out a sigh and nestle back down into my bed. I've gotten better sleep here than I did back home. I soon heard footsteps growing near. I looked up and saw Draco walking near.

"Hey, Malfoy." I said.

I had been calling him that for the whole time I had known him. He never corrected me, so I continued to do so. I mean, it felt weird calling him by last name, but I didn't see any other option. I wasn't going to call him 'Draco' and then have it blow up in my face.

"Allyson, please call me Draco. We're friends as well as soulmates. You don't need to use formalities."

"Sorry, Draco. You just told me to call you Malfoy at the bookshop and you never corrected me since, so I just assumed."

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