Year 1- Train

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I woke up early to pack up all my things that had been scattered about the room and the house. Once my trunk, which I took upon myself to customise, was all packed I fed my animals. I was indeed allowed to bring both, but Estella, my cat, was far too young to go this year. Molly and Arthur agreed to take care of her for me until summer holiday. I was honestly more nervous than excited. It took Ginny and I ages to fall asleep because of our feelings about starting Hogwarts and the fact that Annie had spent all August in Romania and wasn't back yet. I seemed to be the first up, so I did a bit of reading of the books we bought a little over a month ago. I was reading an entry on dragons when Ginny started to wake up.

"Ally? How long you been up?" Sleep was still tightly laced in her voice.

"I don't know, two maybe three hours."

She was shocked but didn't say anything further. She had packed for Hogwarts last night, so she just started to get ready for the day. From my understanding today we'd spend all but the last few hours of the day on a train. I wanted to wear my pyjamas, but Harry and Ginny talked me out of it. I closed my book and started to get ready alongside her. I pulled on my "lucky" light blue sundress. It was my favourite outfit and good things usually happen when I wear it. I was wearing it when I met Draco and after some reading, I realised he is indeed my soulmate. I felt his pain, he felt familiar to me when I first met him, and there were a bunch of other things that have yet to happen.

As I was slipping on my tan sandals Ginny came back into the room, "Mum has breakfast ready."

"Okay, Gin. I'll be down in a minute. Let me finish getting dressed."

She nodded and walked out. She probably went downstairs to sit at the table. I finished getting ready by trying my hair up in a half up half down style. I brushed out the half that remained down, and also used the brush to untangle any hairs that may have wrapped around the hair tie. Once I was satisfied, I put my toiletry bag in the bathroom, for right before we leave. I needed to brush my teeth before we leave, so I didn't have morning and breakfast breath on my first train ride. After my bag was returned to the bathroom, I rushed down the stairs.

I sat down at what feels like my assigned seat, between Fred and George. Harry sat beside Ron near Arthur who sat at the head of the table closest to the door. Molly was dishing out the food and I wanted to help, but I was on strict orders to stay in my seat. It wasn't because she didn't like my help, it was because it was my first day of Hogwarts. She wanted to do this one thing for us kids going to Hogwarts. I wanted to help, but I get it. I had helped set the table and dish out the food for every meal since I got here.

Once she got to mine and Harry's plate, she put extra helpings like always. I guess because we're so skinny. Harry was the only one purposefully starved by our aunt and uncle. I just had a slim body and a fast metabolism. It was a better breakfast than when Harry and I had to cook at the Dursleys. There was sausage, bacon, eggs and waffles. There was an array of homemade syrups for everyone at the table's preferences. We all start eating, making small conversation, until the topic of my father comes up.

"So, are you excited to find your father, Allyson?" Arthur asks.

I'm sure he meant well, but it sent my thoughts spiralling. I kept thinking of the worst cases that could happen. I thought of how my dad wouldn't love me or want me. I was terrified to get a house that my dad wouldn't approve of. I don't even know what his house was or is if you keep association with your house after graduation. I was a bit scared to know what he would think of me.


"Oh, sorry. I'm honestly more scared than anything. What if he doesn't love me? What if he doesn't want me? What if he does and takes me away from Harry? What if my house isn't one he approves of? What will he say when his eleven-year-old found her soulmate already? What if he doesn't believe in soulmate magic? I'm terrified of all the things that could go wrong."

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