Your Place

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"Fuckin' hell." You say as you step into your apartment. Frantically tossing off your pumps.

     You let out a sigh of relief when you hit the plush couch. Grabbing your phone to look at. The only light on in the apartment is the floor lamp in the corner of the living room, and it feels like it's freezing. There's a decor blanket on the back of the couch that you grab to over your feet. You're just scrolling on your Instagram stories before Katya comes to mind again. So, you decide to search for her account.

     It takes a couple tries before you spell her name right. You tried spellings such as: "Cateya", "Catya","Cateea", and "Kateea." Until you finally spelt it right. Her feed is filled with pictures. Most of are her, usually with the old person or baby face filter, but some are promoting a podcast she has with another drag queen, Trixie Mattel. You make sure to check out her page, too. She's got a lot going on, it looks like. You think she absolutely stunning, in and out of drag. You get pretty far down in her feed, just trying to know more about her, until you accidentally like an old photo.

"Fuck. No, no, no, no, no!" You quickly unlike it then exits out of the app.

"Goddamn it!" You kick the blanket off of your, hoping she didn't get the notification.

     You head back to your bedroom, taking off your pants and changing into a new shirt. You can't stop thinking about Katya. You only had met earlier that day, and you already felt so connected to her. You drift off to a deep sleep, thinking about her/him.

The next morning...

     You struggled to wake up this morning, still exhausted, but you manage. First thing you do is wash your face and brush your teeth before heading to the kitchen to find breakfast. There's nothing that interests you, so you decide to just go to the coffee shop down the street. You quickly get dressed, grab your belongings and start walking.

     It didn't take too long to reach the building, you weren't in a rush so you took your time, but still only took a couple of minutes. After you order, you sit down at a table to wait. There's a buzz on your phone, you're surprised you've gone this long without checking your notifications.

     There are a couple notifications from Instagram, some from Twitter, and various other apps. You unlock your phone and notice a number 1 on the messages app.

You think to yourself, "That's weird... it didn't even come up on my Lock Screen." So you open the app to reveal a text from "Maybe: Brian." "Who?"

The message reads:

"Hey, Ms.Y/N, glad I got to meet you twice yesterday. Maybe we could catch up this afternoon and make it three?
- The Blonde Russian, a.k.a, Brian"

"Katya." You think to yourself, surprised she even texted.

     You're trying to figure out the best way to respond when, "Y/N!", the barista calls your name. You grab your drink and look back down at your phone, rereading the message, as you walk back to your table. However, when you get to where you were sitting, someone is seated there.

"Oh, sorry this is my table, I was sitting here." You look down at the table then to the person sat there. They're wearing a black t-shirt, black baseball cap, and skinny jeans. They look up at you, and you notice those blue eyes once again.

Once he notices it's you, he smiles and says, "Kukla! We meet again!" His arms open wide as he gets up and hugs you.

You turned red out of embarrassment and shock but hug him back, "Kat-, I mean Brian. It's good to see you." You look down at his phone set down on the table, he's on your Instagram feed. "Stalking me?"

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