part 20 || you are the one.

Start from the beginning

"Oh.. it's- Kenma.." Hinata managed to answer his own question about the taller man's name, and now, Kozume looked at him confused.
"Is there something wrong with my name?"
"No! No, of course not. I'm sorry, you just- you reminded me of someone I've been trying to find.." Hinata said quickly, hoping Kozume wouldn't take offense to anything he'd said prior.
"Hmm, I see."
"Well, let's get out of here, yeah? I'm sure you're tired and so am I, we can get something to drink around here if you'd like?"

"Sure, I'd like that. Thank you, Shōyō." Kozume's voice just made all the worries go away in an instant, and the way he said Hinata's name would stick to Hinata forever.
On the car ride home from a drive through coffee shop, they'd kept chatting and talking about random things from volleyball, video games, traveling, friends and whatever else came to the topic. Everything seemed so smooth and natural, no forced ice breakers or unfamiliar awkwardness Kozume would usually experience. It was all so natural..

Weeks had passed by, and Hinata couldn't sleep anymore. Atsumu and Bokuto kept hearing about his troubles, but they couldn't help. The only way to help Hinata was to find his mystery person, which he was sixty four percent positive it was Kozume, but he didn't know, and that bothered him.

One night, while in Kurō and Tsukishima's house, Hinata quietly walked downstairs to the kitchen to sit on the bar stool and banged his head on the counter with a quiet groan.
This is so stupid. How do I know it's Kenma? How do I even know this person is real? Their names are the same, but it's just a fucking coincidence, I guess. Hinata couldn't stop coming up with excuses as to why it is or isn't Kozume, and how would he find out. He had no method, no way of knowing if thi-

His train of through was cut off by a soft placement of a glass of water next to his head.
"Looks like you can't sleep either, Shōyō." Kozume's smooth voice pointed out, and upon hearing him, Hinata jumped up surprised, causing him to lose balance. Kozume reacted and hooked a hand around Hinata's wrist, pulling him up and against the counter with his own body to steady his what could of been a bad fall.

Hinata looked up to thank his Kozume, and Kozume looked down to see if the ginger was alright, but when they caught eachother in the glance, nothing moved. It was just like the airport all over again. Kozume's face was dangerously close to Hinata's, and his hair was half tied back but the rest was falling forward onto Hinata, and it made him look so damn attractive. With their hands still clasped together, they both felt it. The connection, the feeling of being one as two.

Hinata took a leap of faith, he stopped caring and he pulled a hand up to Kozume's hair, tangling his fingers into the black strands while the gamer just looked down watching over Hinata's movements. With no instruction, an inaudible voice rang into Hinata's head telling him this is him, and this is the one. So he gave all he had, and pulled Kozume into a slow and soft kiss. Kozume's eyes widened for a moment, before he responded back, slowly sliding his hands from Hinata's, grabbing the ginger's arms and throwing them over his shoulders before pulling him in by his waist.

The addicting taste of Kozume's lips was lingering on Hinata's tongue, and he wanted more, he seeked an entrance into Kozume's mouth, and the man let him explore everything he had to offer. The taste of sweet tea on Kozume's tongue, and the taste of cigarette smoke lingered on his own tongue, but all Kozume could taste was his true lover. He wanted this man to be his. He wanted everything, they both did. They slowly pulled away, breathing heavily, and Kozume's cold hand slowly went up Hinata's shirt, making him gasp and Kozume chuckle.

"Now, I'm sure.." Hinata started.
"About what?"
"It's you. It's you, Kenma. You're the one. Please tell me you feel it too because if not, I- I think I'm going to break.." Hinata exhaled.
"From the moment I saw the sky tonight through the windows of your car, and it showed me stars in Tokyo, a full, clear view, I knew it was you. So Shōyō.."

"I think we're star crossed lovers, darling. Hey, Shō-chan, I think it was love at first sight."
"Yeah, I definitely think so too."


"Hey Kenma, guess what?"

"Yes Shōyō?"



"I'm sleeping on the left." Hinata murmured and ran to the bedroom, and Kozume wasn't too far behind when he comprehended what the red head said.

"Oh, come on!"

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