"I believe a vote is in order on this motion." Roger says. Chloe's jaw drops. "All those opposed, please..."

"Excuse me. I still got something to say on this issue..." Ren yells.

His uncle Wes stands up behind him. "Hey! I thought Ren had the floor here!" Both sides of the room starts to yell causing commotion.

"This meeting will come to order!" Roger yells slamming his gavel down. "Mr. McCormack. I have been more than patient with your intrusions. I would like to remind you that we speak for this town because we are from here." Chloe huffs.

"Excuse me, Roger." Chloe says. Roger continues to talk over her.

"For you to come into this council chamber and question our motives..."

"Dad! Stop it!" Chloe yells. Roger turns to her.

"Chloe Dunbar, you better shut that mouth and learn your place."

"First of all, I AM from here so there for I can speak on this matter." She stands up. "We are teenagers, so we are young and make mistakes but that doesn't mean that we have no sense. And you guys are always saying in school how we have freedom of speech, which is why I think "Mr. McCormack" has a right to be heard." Chloe says looking to Ren. Everyone clapped. Ren smiles at her before making his way up to the podium. He places his notes and Bible down.

"I wasn't here three years ago, when tragedy struck this town. And I know it's not my place to mourn the lives that were lost because I didn't know them." Ren says glancing at Shaw "But it doesn't mean that I don't think about them every day. Like a lot of students at Bomont, I see those pictures every day at school. And each time I see their faces, I think of how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken from us. I know this firsthand...in my own way." Ren's faces drops at the thought of his mom.

"And three years ago, nearly a dozen laws were introduced to this council in order to protect the children of Bomont. And most of these laws, I can see, as a parent, how they make sense to you. But my right to dance when I want, where I want, and how I want is a right that you cannot take away. It is mine. See, we don't have that much time left. All us teenagers, pretty soon we're gonna be just like you. We're gonna have jobs and bills and families. And we're gonna have to worry about our own children. To worry. I get that.
But ours, as teenagers, is to live. To play our music way too loud and to act like idiots." Ren glances at his friends and smiles.

"And to make mistakes. Aren't we told in Psalm 149..." Ren pops open the Bible Chloe gifted him. "Praise the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song. And let them praise His name in the dance." Ren turns to the crowd and starts to slowly walk down the main aisle. "Now if anybody else brought their Bible, like I did, will you please turn it to the Book of Samuel, 6:14. "David danced before the Lord with all his might, leaping and dancing before the Lord." Celebrating his love of God and celebrating his love of life. With what? With dancing! That's all we're doing here. Ecclesiastes assures us, "There is a time for each purpose under heaven. There's a time to weep. There's a time to mourn. And there is a time to dance." Ren grabs Chloe's hand and rubs it. Before turning back towards Roger, Shaw, and the rest of the panel.

"And this is our time. There was once a time for that law, but not any more." Roger looks down. "Thank you." Ren closes his notes and walks back out of the building. After a little while they take a vote.

Chloe's face dropped when she heard Roger say that they had lost. The law was still there and she could do nothing about it. Chloe huffs and stands up. But before she walks out the door she calls over to Shaw.
"You know Reverend, I really thought that sermon you preached a while back about how you shouldn't be a liar or a cheat was funny. Because that's exactly what you and the rest of this panel are." Chloe points at him before walking out the door. She walks past Ren and walks down the road. Ren follows her. He gets in front of her to keep her from walking off and leaving him.

"I'm guessing by the look of your face we didn't win." Chloe rolls her eyes. "Well at least I tried right."

"It's not fair."

"Hey I'm mad too, believe me. But we'll be out of here soon so we won't even have to deal with it."

"You don't get it Ren." Ren furrows his brows at Chloe. "Look I know I don't show it too much but dance means so much to me. I mean heck three years ago, other than Bobby, dance was all I had to live for really." Chloe huffs looking back up at Ren. He nods telling her to continue. "What i'm trying to say is that, I know there will be other kids just like us that will want a prom, or a hiphop class. And they're not gonna get that all because five kids made a big mistake and I couldn't stop them." Chloe leans into Ren. He wraps his arms around her.

"I had no idea you cared this much. I just thought that you were pretending to, just so you could impress me." Ren laughs lightly.

"Nah, I didn't need to impress you. That's why I didn't dance like a hussie that night at the Diner." Chloe giggles. Ren shakes his head.

"So are you going to stay with Willard again?" Ren asks. Chloe shakes her head.

"I have to go back to the hell hole at some point. My goldfish may die if I don't." Ren shakes his head.

"In that case I'll take you home." Ren winks. Chloe rolls her eyes.

"Let's go, lover boy."

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