CHAPTER 8 Protective

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You wake up with a familiar warmth wrapped around you, you look up to see your girlfriend cuddling you tightly. You snuggle in closer to her. You feel a hand coming up to cup your cheek, you quickly feel lips pressing against your forehead. You look up to see your girlfriend already awake.

"Morning прекрасный" (beautiful). She said softly.

You blush and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"I love when you speak Russian." You mumble to her.

"Я так тебя люблю, малыш" She said.

"What does that mean?" You asked.

"Don't worry about it." She said kissing your forehead again.

She got up to go take a shower so you sat at the end of the bed scrolling threw TikTok watching funny videos. Suddenly you hear a light knock on the door.

"Come in" you shout.

Suddenly Wanda walks in and sits beside you.

"Hey.." she said nervously to you.

You look at her and give her a short hug. You let go of her.

"Wanda.. I really appreciate all of the help over the past month, and I'm flattered but I'm with Natasha. I'm sorry but I love her." You said.

You could see tears fall from her face.

"Y/n, it's ok. I understand. Like I said before, I will wait for you." She said looking into your eyes.

Suddenly Wanda's lips had attached themselves to yours. Natasha walked out of the bathroom in a house coat and stopped in her tracks.

"Wanda, what the fuck do you think your doing!?" She yelled.

You pulled away from Wanda and went to hug Nat. Nat held you closely in her arms, glaring at Wanda.

"Natasha, I swear I can explain" she said getting up off the bed.

"Oh yeah. Explain how you were trying seduce my girlfriend!?" She yelled.

"Natasha you know it's not like that." Wanda said as her eyes started to glow red.

"Don't lie to me." Natasha said as her voice got lower.

Wanda was about to blast Natasha with a glowing red ball of energy before you stood infront of her.

"Wanda.. please just stop." You mumbled with tears running down your face.

Wanda saw you crying and stopped.

"Wanda, your a good friend. But please just go" you said pointing to the door.

Wanda left the room and you ran into your girlfriends arms. You hid your face in her shoulder, leaving a wet patch of tears on her house coat. Nat picked you up and sat you on the bed.

"I'm so sorry, baby" she said.

"It's ok, Tasha..." you replied .

She wrapped a blanket around you and and put you under the covers of the bed.

"Tasha.." you mumbled.

She turned to you.

"Can I have a smoothie?" You whined.

She giggled. She put on a fresh set of clothes and nodded as she walked to the kitchen. While she was gone you turned on the tv and watched "Family Guy". You loved this show. Natasha was taking a bit so you put on a hoodie and shorts before walking to the kitchen. Tony, Peter, Bucky, and Wanda were sitting at the island table and Natasha was making smoothies for everyone.

You saw Bucky staring at her while he was blushing so you stood behind Natasha and hugged her from behind. She turned and gave you a kiss on the cheek. As she turned back to the smoothies she was making you could feel Bucky glaring at you. You turned to Wanda and to no surprise, she was glaring at Natasha. Then there were Tony and Peter, Peter was trying to teach Tony how to play the card game 'Uno'.

A few hours past and you and Natasha were cuddling on the couch. Wanda, Tony, and Bruce were all sitting on one of the other couches watching the movie that was playing on the tv. It was playing the Disney movie 'Bambi'. This was one of your favourite movies. You had gotten to the point when Bambi's mother was killed.

You felt Natasha hold you closer when she noticed you were crying from the movie. What made you cry the most about this movie is that like Bambi's mother, your mother was brutally murdered while trying to protect you. You turned around and tucked your head into Natasha's chest trying to hide the fact that you were sobbing in front of everyone. Luckily no one noticed you were crying except for Natasha. She new it wasn't the movie that was making you cry, she new you like the back of her hand.

Y/n's POV

I got up to go get water from the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water from the tap.

"Hey" I heard a voice say.

I turned around to see Natasha.

"You ok?" She asked with a concerning look on her adorable face.

"I'm fine."

Of corse I was lying to her. I can't just tell her about mom. She walked towards me as she stood directly in front of me. I looked up at her slowly forming tears in my eyes. She had me wrapped around her finger. More tears filled up my eyes when I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tight.

"Y/n.. what's going on..?" She whispered.

"I-.. I-.." I was struggling to speak.

She put one hand in my waist and the other on my cheek, cupping it.

"Babe.. you know you can tell me anything.. right?" She said rubbing her thumb on my cheek.

She grabbed hold onto my wrist lightly and dragged me to her room, sitting me me down on her bed. She sat next to me a hugged me close.

"I hate seeing you sad y/n. Please tell me what's wrong.." She whispered to me as if it was our little secret.

She gave me a kiss on my forehead to try and calm me down.

"I care about you so much" she said, landing another kiss onto my forehead.

I looked up at you, she had tears in her eyes. I nodded, I was ready to talk.

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