Chapter 8

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Semi's POV

Game, after game, after game, we were all pretty tired and dead beat, covered with sweat, blood and tears. Well not blood but tears because of coach making us perfect little volleyball soldiers. Me and some of my teammates were sitting down at the bench heavily drinking water as if we just walked on the Sahara desert. Not to be over dramatic but I swear Goshiki is passed out on the floor. So much for the future ace. After a while we had to start cleaning and heading to our room. Most of the players already left to eat and rest. But some of us stayed to help clean up. It was mostly me, Ushijima, (y/n), Tendou, one of the players from nekoma that has a rooster head and some other players, I don't know there names are.

When I saw (y/n) hugging those two guys from Itachiyama. I did feel a little tense, like I lost. I thought I would get over this by now, but the more I see (y/n) and talk the more flustered I get. Or I might just have Tendous words inside my head. I was relieved when she said they were family. Although I do feel really bad for assuming is not like I can control who she dates or be close to. I'm not her boyfriend. A little shocking that she has a twin and we didn't even know about. Looking back (y/n) doesn't look like she is a twin more of her own person. I wonder if twins run in their genes? WHY am I thinking about this I should just focus on sweeping the floor. I looked over at (y/n) who was helping Ushijima putting down the nets. These past days they've been somewhat close. Is no surprise Ushijijma is captain and she is manager.

I do conclude that Ushijima might have feelings for (y/n). The way he's been acting is weird and out of character for him. Does anyone else notice it too or just me? I mean Tendou is the one closest to him, they are roommates. But then again Tendou probably praises him for reacting in such a way. He always tries to enlighten a new side of Ushijima. I woulda tell him about this but it might end him teasing me about having a liking on (y/n) and calling me SemiSemi. I'll hold that idea for now.

But is he wrong? Do I have a crush on (y/n) or is just the thought of having someone to talk to. Once I replaced the broom back to the closet and everyone else tied up the gym, we went to grab something to eat in the cafe. The cafeteria was already filled with people. I could tell that some already went to bed for the night and some roaming the hallways. (Y/n) sat by the girl manager from other teams and once in while was visited by her...I think her cousin? I forgot his name.

Finishing up my food and cleaning after myself I head to our rooms but noticed the door of (y/n)s door open. I didn't want to be a creep so minded my business.

"Hey semi."

Never mind, "yeah."

"You did really good out there."


"Remember when we were talking about songs and your Spotify playlist."


"What was that name of the song. It had the words brick in."

"Another brick in a wall by Pink Floyd."

"YES, that one I can't get it off my head."

"Maybe one day I can give you a live concert singing a cover."

"That would be awesome, I know the amount of talent and dedication you have playing the guitar."

"Thank you (y/n)...well I should..Uh.. he-head to sleep tomorrow is another day."

"Okay bye Semi."

" me Eita,"

"Goodnight Eita."

"Goodnight (y/n)."


....ladies and gentleman....

...I have a huge crush on (y/n).

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