As Grant stepped down and began to make his way over to the seat that was set up for him, he could hear Randolph speaking about how passionate his speech was looking at his pocket watch he knew that his soldiers would begin firing any minute. As he looked over, he saw one of the other delegates move towards the window.

"President Randolph there are troops gathering outside"

Grant watched as some of the delegates went running over to look out the window until some shouted there were some on the other side as well.

(IMPERIAL CALENDAR YEAR: 5th of September 1774):

Lieutenant Wallace looked at his pocket watch as his men began to load their rifles. Looking back up he saw them leveling their weapon on the building. Wallace before giving the order. "FIRE!" within seconds he saw smoke coming out of all the barrels and then the troops on the other side of Carpenters Hall opening fire.

For the next five minutes they continued fire until order them to stop. "Cease fire, our mission is done as men on his side stopped, he walked over and told the others the same thing" As they marched out of the city Wallace could feel that everyone looking upon them thought that they were monsters.

(IMPERIAL CALENDAR YEAR: 5th of September 1774):

Back inside Grant began to peak out the window to see if there were anymore. "Were clear on left can someone check on the right?"

"Were clear over here as well" Grant looked to see George Washington stand up and move toward the center of the room.

Today we came here to peacefully debate on how we should respond to the motherland's actions in the Massachusetts colony and were met with gunfire that killed three of our fellow delegates. Today they have left us no choice but to move towards declaring independence. After we leave today, we must make preparations for the war that is to come in the next meeting of we will no longer be colonies of Great Britain but our own separate entities.

(IMPERIAL CALENDAR YEAR: 6th of September 1774):

Grant began smile at Claire as he ate his meal. "It seems all is going according to plan. Today I have effectively turned the colonies into a powder keg waiting to explode, all we have to do now is train our troops and wait until the second constitutional convention and then bam I take control of the army."

Claire nodded "But how do you think they will react when they learn that you were not Georgia's official delegate?"

"Who says they will ever find out? All I have to do is buy a good chunk of land and then bribe each member of the assembly. I thought by now you would know how easy is to manipulate people when money is involved."

"But surely not all people can be bought?'

"You would surprised be, Claire, that a lot of people actually have price that is much lower than you would think. But that discussion is for another time. Tomorrow we leave at first light.

(IMPERIAL CALENDAR YEAR: 20th of September 1774):

Looking out at the cascading hills grand could not believe how he has gotten in week since arriving in Georgia. Not only was he able to bribe each member of Georgia Assembly with 10,000 pounds each to backdate a document to say they nominated him to attend the First Continental Congress but even had help from another member who told him that he could call in a favor in order to backdate his ownership land that was near the line of proclamation for another 10,000 pounds.

"Claire you see that ridge over their just beyond it beyond about 10 miles inland is where home is going to be for the next 2 year while I train the army."

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