"Hey did the mark on your head get larger?"

"AHH GENYA! Oh hey!"

"You good? You haven't responded to any of my messages and you made me worried after what happened at my brother's, I'm now banned from going to see him and was scolded by Himejima-san, but I wasn't scolded as bad as my brother." His body was shivering in fear as if he had a terrible thought. "Sorry for getting you involved."

"It's fine with me if I was able to help you at all it's okay with me! Sorry to ask but what happened with your brother afterwards?"

"Well I'm not exactly meant to tell you but I'm in debt to you so, do you remember seeing Kanae-s..a.....n back at the training?" Genya was embarrassed when talking about girls and even when being near them. Tanjiro nodded his head giving his friend an answer. "Well he got the short end of the stick... he wasn't able to train anybody after his encounter with her and is still worried that he had hurt her feelings and maybe slightly scared of her."


"But more importantly than that about your mark, it looks like it's grown."

"Wait Really!" "Yes it has" "WOW! it must have gotten thicker wow! Nobody has said that to me yet." Tanjiro kept prodding his mark in excitement that the training had made his mark grow

"That's because everybody you hang out with sees you everyday so they wouldn't notice a difference. Do you have a mirror to see your mark?" Tanjiro shook his head. "You can use mine for a bit."

"Wow! It's really gotten darker thanks Genya!" He gave Genya a high five and returned the mirror

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"Wow! It's really gotten darker thanks Genya!" He gave Genya a high five and returned the mirror.

"So your on the Boulder problem right? I'm on it as well, I already done it before whilst being trained it's really simple."

"Genya how do you it then? Please tell me! I've been on this for a whole week now." He was really at his wits even Inosuke was starting to show signs of doubt but his Savior Genya! Had come to help.

"So I'm guessing you know about "Repeating Actions" right? Oh you really don't huh. It's pretty straightforward but if you want to learn from Himejima-san you have to watch him carfully or you will miss read his actions, he really sucks at teaching. What he does is a set of pre-determined actions that maximizes his concentration, in my case I chant prayers."

Tanjiro looked at his friend for a moment whilst processing everything he has just explained. "So he does it as well I'm guessing?"

"You got it, it's just the "namu" "namu" thing he always says." Genya deepens his voice to sound as much like his teacher as possible.

Later That Day

Tanjiro's hands were pressed against the Boulder awaiting his command to attempt to push it.

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