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- Tuesday, 3:35pm - 

It's been three weeks from that conversation with my parents, and exams have finally finished. The stress didn't lessen until today, the final day of school, the day we unofficially graduate second year high school.

Next year we'll have to think about jobs, university, careers. But today, we don't have to even consider those things. We just feel relieved.

I often went over to Suna's to study during the weeks leading up to exams. We would often help each other with the subjects we specialized in, and because of this preparation, I have a good feeling about my  math exam, and Suna confessed that he felt really ready for his English examination.

Of course, we didn't spend all of the time at Suna's apartment studying.

I'll leave it up to your imagination.

School finished early because it's the last day, so after the final assembly Suna and I decide to head to the café we both now work at.

I order the usual - a chocolate cupcake and an iced chocolate, because I'm addicted to chocolate - and Suna orders a slice of red velvet cake and a lemonade. It's a surprising combination, but I try a little bit of his food and drink, and it works well together somehow.

We make small talk, chatting about the exams and the teachers and our friends. We complain about how Atsumu said something stupid in assembly and how that gave us second hand embarrassment; we talk about Inari and Osamu, who FINALLY started dating; we talk about how we're looking forward to summer and what we plan to do during the break.

The topic gradually shifts to our futures.

"I reckon I'll try aiming to study medicine at university," Suna tells me, and I know from the tone of his voice that I'm the first person he's told. "I'll focus on biology and physical science next year. I think being a surgeon would be cool."

In that moment, I decide to tell him my goals, which I haven't told anyone either. My reason is probably a little different from Suna's; I haven't told anyone because I didn't want anyone to develop expectations of me.

Everyone usually does, but Suna never will, and I know that for sure.

After chatting about the future and our goals for our last year of high school, which include coming first in the national volleyball Interhigh, we talk about the past.

"Most things sucked this year, to be honest," I tell Suna. 

My boyfriend grins at me, teasing, "should I be offended?"

"No!" I protest. "I meant most things until I met you. Because... you know... I was kind of anxious. And then I got attacked. But you... made me feel safe. You were there for me. So, you're kind of the thing that makes everything that happened this year okay. Because all of the decisions made... led to you."

It's something I've wanted to say for as long as I've known Suna Rintarou, but I never had the words to express my true feelings.

Suna grins at me, his eyes smiling along with the rest of his face, and he holds my hand across the table. "I feel the same about you."

"I do have one question, though," I pipe up, a little nervous for what I'm about to ask. Suna signals for me to ask him what I need to, so I continue: "Why were you in the principal's office looking all beat up that day last year?"

Suna sucks in a breath, his hand leaving mine.

"Sorry if it's a difficult question. Forget I asked."

He shakes his head. "No, I'm glad you asked." He exhales deeply, but it's a breath, not a sigh. He isn't upset by my question, just not sure how to answer.

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