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1 Do you believe featuring in meet the authors has helped you as a writer?

I believe that any form of promotion helps. Whether you gain 100 readers or just one, then it's always worth it. I really enjoyed the last interview we did when I focused on Wastelands. It helped me to really think about what I wanted to achieve from writing that story.

2 What genre do you like to read?

It might surprise people to know that I don't solely stick to horror and urban fantasy/paranormal. To be fair, those genres ARE still my favourite and are what I grew up reading, but I do love a bit of fantasy and adore crime/psych thrillers. I think that's one of the great things about Wattpad - I 'meet' new authors all the time and often find myself reading stories that i wouldn't usually go for in a bookstore. For example, recently I found @zjpwrites and read Dating in a Lonely City. It's definitely not the genre I would usually read, but it's great that Wattpad authors can pull you out of your comfort zone and have you reading (and enjoying) something different. 

3 What's the best piece of advice you have received on wattpad?

Probably one of the best pieces of advice came from my writer friend @iamRodneyVSmith who prompted me to look more closely at dialogue and ensure to differentiate between characters in the way they speak. Quite often, my characters would 'speak' in the same way/tone and it was an eye-opener to realize that's what I was doing. It's definitely made me more focused now when writing dialogue scenes. 

4 Do you believe being apart of the wattpad community has helped you as a writer?

100%. Being part of the community is how I first began to gain a readership here on Wattpad. I connected with other writers and through reading their works, I got to know them and their readers, and in turn, their readers found my stories. Many of those connections remain with me almost 10 years later. Likewise, the friendships I formed still exist to this day. Having people read your stories is amazing, but I wouldn't still be writing on Wattpad after all these years if it wasn't for the community of inspiring writers that keep me going with their support and friendship.

5 What's one story (on or off wattpad) that you would recommend someone read?

Ugh, it's SO difficult to choose just one, BUT I'm going to choose Blood of Azura by @scarlettedrake. I found Scarlett through her Tom Hardy-inspired A Dark Fall, and despite it not being my usual genre of choice, I was hooked by her captivating characters and beautiful writing. When she branched out into fantasy romance (again not a genre of choice of mine), I was blown away and inspired by her ability to write something different. I LOVE the world-building in the Four Realms series she has created. I often find myself sitting there in awe and wondering how the Hell she came up with it all because it's just so well-devised that I can imagine it being real, even though I'm well aware it's fantasy writing. I need this book to be a cool Netflix series! 

6 How is your latest story going? Can you tell us anything about it?

I'm currently writing a dark paranormal romance called A Feast of Souls. The first 3 chapters can be found on Wattpad, but it's been on hold for some time while I finished my sci-fi romance, Wastelands. FoS is going to be quite different from my usual gritty, dark urban fantasies - it's historical, set in Victorian Shropshire and it's written in 1st person present which is new for me! I've decided to write it offline and post when it's ready (although I ALWAYS say this and ALWAYS eventually give in and start posting) but for now, I'm just enjoying writing it. Feel free to add it to your libraries!


7 Do you believe interview platforms, clubs, contests and organization accounts on Wattpad are a useful tool to new writers?

Yes, absolutely, although I'll admit I never got involved much with clubs and contests as a new writer on Wattpad. I often find new reads through contests I see promoted on social media and I love reading interviews from new writers I've discovered. I'm always in awe of any new writer who puts themselves out there in this way, as I never had the confidence when I started writing. I could barely just about cope with posting my work online, never mind submitting to contests etc.

8 As a writer, do you think its wise to write in more than one genre?

I wouldn't say it's wise, as such, more down to personal preference. I think it's great if you're a cross-genre writer (and I'm in awe of those who do this), but I think it's just as great if you prefer to stick with one genre only. Some people are *just* horror writers, just as some are *just* romance writers and that's where their skills lie and there's nothing wrong with that. And then there are those who can turn their hand to multiple genres and succeed in all. I think you should always go where your writer soul takes you. 

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