Josh? (pg7)

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You: Josh?
Josh: hey
You: you obviously came in here to say something so have at it
You put your drawings in the draw
Josh: so I don't know how I'm gonna say this
You get a little scared
Josh: I don't like you... anymore
It goes silent
Josh: and I actually have a girlfriend you see I liked you both but then I fell for her more
You feel hurt since it's the first time in forever that you like someone and they do this
You: great so you lead me on knowing you weren't gonna like me in the end and then just act like everything's normal?
It goes silent for a minute
You: Iv got my answer...
No one talked for a few seconds
You: but congrats on your girlfriend
You open the door and see klaus and Anthony
You mutter: just my luck
You push through them and go downstairs
Blake: he-
You leave the house without saying I word to anyone you wait in the car for a few minutes waiting for Caroline which she then comes in the time you were waiting you called Bonnie to meet up and the coffee place.
Caroline: how you holding up
You: I'm fine why
Caroline: kind of heard what he said
You: right
Caroline: so...
You: he thinks he can only play that game but he's forgetting I was in the vampire diaries I know every single trick and I'm hot any guy I find will go for me
She laughs
Caroline: there's my el but it's just you haven't liked someone like proper in so long
You: I know
Caroline: so how you gonna cope
You: my last name is mikelson take a guess
You chuckles and start driving to the coffee shop which dosent take long after a few minutes you see Bonnie
You: heyyy!
You both hug and she hugs Caroline too
Bonnie: so care told me
You: Caroline I wanted to say it
You whine
Caroline giggles: sorry but I had to
You: anyway
You all hang out for a hour or so
Bonnie: anyway I just want to know what is miss mikelson gonna do about this heart break
You: what would Damon Salvatore do?
They both smirk
You: I take you know
Bonnie: I know a few guys I want dead
Caroline: same for me
You: well then you down?
Both: of course!
You: great because we are doing it vampire style
You pull out three steaks and hand it to them
Bonnie: now this is what you call fun
You all laugh and head to the car driving to the locations of the people
Bonnie: these are mine
You: 12 this should be fun
You all giggle
Man 1: did you hear that
Man 2: yea a laugh
Man 1: someone's here
Caroline: and that someone is us
They turn around and see you guys
Man 7: Bonnie bennet
Man 1: and her besties
Caroline: and were here to kill you
You all take like 4 people each attacking you you already have 2 down and same with them you all help each other when one is in danger and it ends with them all dieing and your three alive
You: now that was fun
You all walk back to the car agreeing and talking about what so ever
Caroline: am I crazy or is that klaus
Bonnie: I think your crazy
You and Bonnie look
You: I think not
Bonnie: car drive
You&caroline: AGREED
You three get in the car
You: I mean I would love to tease him
Caroline: I like the way you think
Bonnie: agreed let's do that
You chuckle and wait for klaus to come up to your window he then does and knocks on it
You look at Bonnie and Caroline and they nod you put down the window
You: yes?
Klaus: are you crazy
Anthony: this is not ok
You: I'm a mikelson what did you expect
Klaus: you had other ways of coping
You: klaus it took you one heartbreak for you to do what I am now it took me five I think it's time I start this
Anthony: your better then us you can't do this
You: why does what I do matter as long as your not dead it's fine right?
Anthony: you can't use our own words against us
You: Anthony I'm Katherine MIKELSON it's time I start acting like one
You drive away leaving klaus and Anthony shouting
Caroline: now that was entertaining
Bonnie: I'm down to do more
You: Caroline's lot?
Caroline squeals: YESS
You laugh and drive to her part
Caroline: how did you know
You: your my best friends I know you inside and out oh and heads up I think klaus is following us
You all get out the car and go inside
Man 1: Caroline
Man 3; great and she has company
You: we won't kill you
Bonnie: just seriously injure you for doing the same to our friend
They chuckles
You: what you don't think we can take you
All: yes
You: well I'd like to take that risk of trying
A guy comes up to you
Man 1: you shouldn't try
You: oh but I want to
You kick him and Caroline and Bonnie all attack the 7 men each of you help each other and defeat anyone coming in your way
Your about to stab someone in the stomach when you feel arms on your hands stopping you
You look to the side before looking behind and seeing Damon
Damon: this is not a way to break free
You: I think it is
You kick him backwards and stab the guy and after that your all finished
Stefan: so your all just on a killing spree
Caroline: we are killing people who hurt us
Bonnie: it's a way of expressing our feelings
You: surprising who we learnt it from
You three look at Damon and Stefan
Bonnie: you guys expect her to be perfect well guess what no ones perfect
Klaus: but Katherine is she's the perfect sister
You: am I or is that what you say to keep me on my feet
Caroline: yes she's lives the worst life if you think about
Anthony: we are trying our best to be your brothers ok and I know we can't do everything well but we are raising you how we got raised
You: I believe that completely
Klaus: your never like this what's happening to Katherine our Katherine the one who wouldn't like when we brought a girl over the one who hated boys
You: she's gone...
It goes silent
You: and for the record I still hate boys
Damon: someone has to tell her I can't take it she's hurting can't you see
Stefan: someone tell them
He forces out of his mouth
Everyone stays quiet
Bonnie: tell us what
You: that josh was pranking me because his friends thought it would be a good idea?
Damon: if you know it's a prank why do this
You: because this is me and if you don't like it leave
You drop the knife
You: iv lost my grand parents my cousins and you already know how
You look at klaus and Anthony
You: lost my really close friend lost about 3 boys iv really cared for yet I lost my mum and my dad you know nothing about me
You say while looking at klaus and Anthony
You: so josh can prank me all he wants but I'm not doing this because of josh I'm doing this because it's a way to express my feelings without feeling bad about it.
Anthony: killing people dosent make you feel bad?
You: killing people who deserve it dosent
Klaus: who the hell are you and where the fuck is Katherine
You: wow we swear now nice
You chuckles
Bonnie: look you guys have tried as hard as you can to be her brother right?
They nod
Bonnie: so if your trying why don't you check up on her EVER
Caroline: and never think of Katherine you guys think of what you think is best but you don't know what is
Bonnie: let's go el
You three walk away
You walk to the car and drive it with Caroline and Bonnie
Bonnie: we were bad
Caroline: yes we showed who's boss
You laugh
Bonnie: well what are we gonna do now
You: well we could hide from everyone or we co-
Caroline: I vote hide
Bonnie: agreed
You laugh
You: hide it is
Caroline: to our new house?
You: yea!
You drive there
Bonnie: clothes
You: we already got some and stored jt here
Caroline: yep and other furniture will come soon but we go the main things
Bonnie laughs
Bonnie: this is amazing
You: it actually is
Josh calls you you groan and answer
You: hey
Josh: if you know it's a prank why the hell are you probably hours away
You: because I can do what I want to josh
Josh: sure you can but you aren't leaving from a prank there's obviously something hurting you more
You: don't you get it josh? I have lost my entire family cousins and all then I loose my parents I have lost a lot of my friends in the past for things I haven't and they haven't done, iv lost very important people to me what do you think is hurting me? Oh and just like 3-7 minutes ago I'm pretty sure I just lost my brothers too so I'd like to know what you think
Josh: Kather-
You: I'll be back soon just not now maybe in a day or so
Josh: but you haven't lost your brothers
You: who knows and who cares I was told to do something a long time ago and of course only nik and ant know but they told me to do it years ago I fought it for how long? Now I realise why they wanted me to do it and now I will do it
Josh: what are you talking about
You: josh can you go somewhere private and take me off speaker
Josh: yea sure
You hear the footsteps and stop hearing your echo so you know your not on speaker
Josh: ok so?
You: why are you calling
Josh: idk I'm worried and scared and I feel like your mad at me
You: I'm not mad at you why would I be?
Josh: bc of yk
You: josh I get mad over bigger things then pranks
Josh: when are you coming back
You: uhm
Josh: your not coming back are you
You: I am but I'm just gonna hang out with the girls a few nights like sleep over?
Josh: ok cool but just to clarify you still like me
You: do you still like me
Josh: yes a lot
You: then yes
Josh: great
You can feel him smiling
Josh: well I'll call you every night face time
You: yea that would be nice
Josh: great then
You: also please make sure no one goes in my room or Caroline's
Josh: why
You: privacy
Josh: was there privacy when I constantly went in your room
You laugh
You: bye josh
You end the call and you all get out the car
Bonnie: I'd say there dating
Caroline: no but el would say "just friends"
You: we are friends who like each other
You shrug
Caroline: yea yea
You: let's just go in the house
Bonnie laughs and you guys go in the house
Bonnie: it's nice huge
Bonnie squeals: I love it
You and Caroline laugh
Caroline: glad you like it
You: yea we are kind of in here for the next few days
There's a knock on the door
You: how could someone possibly- UGH
You answer and see kol
You: kol
Kol: we need to talk outside
You go outside the house
Kol: so iv got news that your doing the mikelson ways
You: you can say that
Kol: wouldn't you rather get drunk party?
You: no
Kol: I'd love to see you drunk and partying
You: you might some day
Kol: we're flirting huh
You: no we're not flirting
You walk up to the door about to enter
Kol: you know klaus messed up again
You stop and turn to him
You: what did he do now
Kol: would you like to find out
You: just tell me
Kol: all I can say is he needs you and here's the location
He gives you a piece of paper with the location
Kol: we can go together
You: I can do it myself
Kol: mmm your gonna need me
You: mmmm I don't think so
Kol: mmmm I think you do
You: nope
Kol: I'm coming with you anyway
You roll your eyes
You: fine
You tell the girls and leave with kol
You guys go to the location that takes you to a abandoned house
Kol: now be very careful Katherine
You: kol I think I'm fine
You both go inside slowly and carefully you see klaus and he's proper hurt he's fainted he has cuts all over him he's tied up to the ceiling
You instantly feel hurt you want to go a help him but the guy is leaving more cuts in his skin You: kol can we do something
Kol: I'll help
You: and do what
Kol: you distract I'll grab klaus
You: there's five of them who do you think I am
Kol: try your best
You: ugh
He records you but you didn't notice
You: hey
???: why are you here
You: because I can be
???: let's do something fun then
He smirks
You: id love to
He grabs your arm aggressively
You: your hurting me
???: good it's a warm up
You: for what
???: you'll see
He looks down at his pants
You: no I'm fine
???: fine then let's play that game
He's about to slap you but you dodge it and do it to him
???: get her don't just stand there
They all try and attack you at once but your fighting them with all your strength then josh calls you you answer
You: nows not a good time
He hears a grunt
Josh: are yo-
You: no just doing something
Josh: face time
You: sure
He facetimes you and you stand the phone up
Josh: jeez
Your fighting with one person
Josh: is that klaus?
You: yep
Josh: try not to get hurt
You: I'm in a room with 5 men who really know how to fight sure I won't get hurt
You say sarcastically
Josh: ok true But you know what I mean
You: yep
Bryce: is she- h-
Josh: don't ask questions
Blake: but she's moving extremely fast who taught her
Anthony: me and klaus and our dad
You: yea Anthony why aren't you here right now
Anthony: ok I love you and klaus with my whole heart but I'm a stick
You: so what am I? A bone
He laughs
Anthony: ok I'm not actually there bc klaus told me not to come
You: and you listened
Anthony: well yea?
You: I'm not gonna fight with you
Anthony: bc your not busy fighting with other people
???: how can this bitch fight while talking and calling someone
You: idk tbh
He grabs a gun
???: move and I'll shoot
You: shoot then
???: fine
He shoots and you dodge it Again and you dodge and it goes like that till he runs out of bullets
???: I told you guys taking klaus MIKELSON wasn't a good idea
???: she can't be
???: Katherine mikelson
You: what's up
???: your the daughter of Dave mikelson
You: mmm not proud about it but it's all good
???: ya'll we messed with the wrong family
You smile
???: we will let klaus go
You: that's not gonna do anything
???: you can kill us
You stop and think
You: but that wouldn't really help would it? But I can make you suffer like you done to klaus
???: we don't deserve that
You: you all have best friends right
???: yes we are all best friends
???; I'm actually their dad
You: great
You shoot him twice and he falls to the ground
You: easy to wind you up
???: well it won't work
You: you positive
The dad moves his head and you shoot him in the head one of the guys charge at you and slam you on the wall
You: this kind of feels good
You smirk
Anthony: mmm Katherine you shouldn't mess with people like this
You: he can have his fun I'm just way stronger then him and i can kill him
The guy throws you around
You: ooo fun we're playing that game
???: she finds this entertaining maybe we should do what we done to her brother but to her
You: I'd love to see you try
???: or we can shoot klaus or stab him make her suffer
You: or I can kill you
You snap his neck and shoot the other people
Kol: that was fun to watch
You: I don't know why I haven't killed you yet came for no reason didn't help at all
You start to untie klaus and you put a shirt on him
He starts to fall forwards onto you
You: kol kol kol kol kol
He grabs klaus off you
You: one thing you've helped in tonight
He chuckles
Kol: I helped in more ways then you think
You: yesssss sitting down helped
Kol: I am pretty handy
You: sure
You hear whispers and you and kol look at each other
Kol mouths: check behind you I'll check behind me
You both do that
???: Hello
You look behind you and kol looks behind him and your back in the position you were first in
???: I'm the mother of the people you just killed
You: oops
???: actually I'm proud of you
You cross your arms
You: is this a trap
???: no
She gives you her weapons
???: boys come out
They do
???: these are my STRONG boys they can fight really well and they have a lot of power we love fighting and that's all we do
You: ok?
???: I would like you to join us
You: no
???: come in we get some good things out of it we are criminals
You: right
One of the guys come up to you
Man 1: you should join
He looks about 17
Man 1: I'm Troy
You: ok?
Troy: you should join it will be if it you
He comes closer to you
You step away
You: and you reek so keep your distance
???: we need you with us because your a girl and you know how horny some of them can get you
You look at her in disgust
You: I'm not a whore unlike you
???: what did she just say about you
Troy: baby girl you should be careful
You: or what your gonna fuck me? Is that what we're doing
You slap him
???: I think we should fight her
Troy: I'm down
You shoot them all in less then a minute
You: wow they are so strong
Kol: let's just get klaus out
You: yea good idea not that you helped AT ALL
He laughs
You: it's not funny
Kol: yea it is
You: no it's not
Kol: you know they are criminals they are wanted
You: oh
Kol: yes I called the police to come get them
You: cool
Bryce: well wouldn't you get arrested for killing them
Anthony: Bryce there are some things that you don't know and it's best it stays that way
You: anyway I'll call you later
You end the call and kol grabs klaus and you guys take him back to your house
Caroline: oh my gosh
Bonnie: what the hell happened
You: klaus mikelson what do you expect

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